Rolling Over / Popcorning?

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New Born Pup
May 29, 2017
Reaction score

(I've never done one of these so i have no idea if i'm doing it right!)
I just wanted to come on here and see what you guys think about one of my little piggies, Nina. Her and Nelly are only 13 weeks and so are basically balls of energy at the moment. I get them out for regular runs and they always love popcorning around. However, today when i got them out in the hall i noticed that Nina was almost rolling over whenever she popcorns - her legs kinda fling in the air for a split second. This only seems to happen when she is in the big bed so i thought maybe it's scent related? I've had dozens of pigs throughout my life and have never seen this before so am unsure whether to be worried or not as i know their spines can be so delicate...
I managed to capture some footage of her in action so have linked the clips below - any help would be appreciated!

Ezzie :)

p.s. Nina is the tortie

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So cute. She's just very very happy and popcorning very enthusiastically. Lol.
Oh my god, that is so cute! It's one of the best things ever watching the babies doing this. Thankyou so much for sharing your videos too :wub:
Ahh thank you so much for replying! Glad it's nothing unusual - just wanted to check as i've not seen it before! Glad you loved the video haha! I can now sit and enjoy watching them go crazy happy ❤:luv:
Yes mine use to do that when they small. It's like they lose control of their bodies. One of mine still loses control when in season, but looks more like a bucking bronco these days!
Love the videos.
My Jon used to do that when he was little. I wondered if it was the texture of the bed sending him into overdrive.
I rescued a little chap called Trig who had never seen grass before. As soon as has little paws went on the lawn he went ballistic! He was like a little cannonball zooming and popcorning away! We tried to bond him with our single boar Zeb (rip) but failed. With the help of BARC, he is now living the life of Riley with his wifepig in St Helens :luv:
Ha ha! Leela did this too when we first brought her home. It was almost like trying to popcorn and lay down at the same time. Enjoy it because, although older pigs will still get excited, that 'so excited I fell over' move is pretty much baby behavior!
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