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Skinny pig sensitive skin with unknown cause...has anyone else have experienced this?


New Born Pup
Jan 3, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all! One of my boys has recently developed a very sensitive area on his upper back, right below his neck line. He is a skinny and I thought perhaps mites, but when taken to our local vet, they weren't too sure what is causing this itchiness. We've had him for 2.5 years now and he's never had this before! When touched on that area specifically, he clearly is very uncomfortable and runs frantically. He was given a cortisone shot today, but i'm curious if any other owners have had something similar happen? Please Let me know if you have - I hope to help my sweet little guy get better ASAP!
I’ll tag some members who have experience with keeping skinnies. What did the vet check for when you took him in? And what was the cortisone injection given for?

@PigglePuggle @YvonneBlue @Flutterby
Cortisone is a steroid, which should not be given to guinea pigs I'm afraid.
Did the vet take skin scrapes to check for mites under the microscope/send off to the lab for a dermatophyte test for fungal infection? Any skin condition needs proper diagnostic tests, beginning with mites and fungal, also possibly for bacterial infection.
Thank you so much for your input. I will be sure to mention this to our vet as he did not do a scrape and i'm deeply concerned. I will update you with more information as i'm taking him to another facility that specializes in guineas. Thank you again!
Do let us know how you get on. We'll be thinking about you, and of course it will all help someone else who might search the forum for the same problem x
Hello all! So Rupert went back to the vet's office for a skin scrape as suggested. Unfortunately both the fungal and mite test came back negative! Our vet suspects that he has developed a hypersensitivity to our touch. I can see how this might be, but at the same time I suspect something else could be happening as we've had him for 2.5 years and this has never been an issue. I also am suspicious of the cause being something else because even when he's not being touched, he will scratch the same area with his nails. I will keep researching but just wanted to give an update! Thanks all!
Could it be a soap or cleaner that you're using before handling him and have residue of on your hands?
Once a spot is irritated, it may continue to be itchy even when the irritant is no longer in contact with him. Healing skin can be itchy for people, I imagine the same is true in piggies, and if there's some dryness from the irritation, that might persist a bit, as well. I would be extra careful with soaps and lotions you're using, especially near times when you might be handling him.