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stan has lumps and an awful smell down below

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Thanks guys, i just dont know what to do now, today while bathing Stan i found his willy totally gunked up so i have bathed it with warm water and put some sudocrem on, will repeat this a few times over the next week and hopefully it will right itself.

Oscar i have found today has scabs all round his mouth, I'm gutted, I'm being punished for something!

I would be happy as Larry if i could get my boys to Simon/Debbie but its working it out and what not.

I wouldn't use sudocrem, as it quite thick and can make things more gunky. I used it at first when Louie had his gunky willy but having discussed it with Debbie, discovered it wasn't the best thing to use. Cooled salt water is the best thing to use as it's good for cleaning and healing.

You're not being punished! Just having a bad run of luck.

If there's a will, there's a way. Remember we managed to get my boys all the way from Aberdeen to Debbie.
I wouldn't use sudocrem, as it quite thick and can make things more gunky. I used it at first when Louie had his gunky willy but having discussed it with Debbie, discovered it wasn't the best thing to use. Cooled salt water is the best thing to use as it's good for cleaning and healing.

You're not being punished! Just having a bad run of luck.

If there's a will, there's a way. Remember we managed to get my boys all the way from Aberdeen to Debbie.

Oh yes i remember lol
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