Survivors Group Therapy

Hi Survivors

I'm pretty smart. The first time mom comes in the room I ask for a cookie then go about my business. But I know the second time (after she takes a smoke break) is med time so I hide. But she has gotten good at catching me.

Six more days of baytril.

Mom contacted the local small animal rescue and inquired about fostering if something happens to one of us. They don't allow it and said guinea pigs can be happy alone after a companion dies. So she's going to have a problem when something happens to one of us because we can't be alone and she doesn't want piggies till she dies.


By the way I have critical care all on my neck and chin because I eat it from a little bowl! I had a tablespoon! When she syringe fed me I was getting less than a teaspoon.
By the way I have critical care all on my neck and chin because I eat it from a little bowl! I had a tablespoon! When she syringe fed me I was getting less than a teaspoon.
Good for you Stripe, eat up! The best food is messy 😋
Fellow survivors,
This is my serious Paddington-look. The world is very unfair right now.

Joe wished for less drama in 2025. That wish did not come true, and he acts like its something going on with that tooth again. So. Slave gives him critical care. I might be like the only pig that loves critical care. Slave gives me a little bowl and I inhale it and I have no manners. When I'm done I have cc everywhere.
But. She doesn't give me any metacam! Just Joe. And he doesn't know the streetcodes - always share with your brother from another mother!
Its just so unfair.

Joe have a date with the vet om Tuesday. Slave tries not to worry to much.

Love from Kongo, high on the fumes of metacam. And ofc from Joe ♥️
Hi Survivors

I'm pretty smart. The first time mom comes in the room I ask for a cookie then go about my business. But I know the second time (after she takes a smoke break) is med time so I hide. But she has gotten good at catching me.

Six more days of baytril.

Mom contacted the local small animal rescue and inquired about fostering if something happens to one of us. They don't allow it and said guinea pigs can be happy alone after a companion dies. So she's going to have a problem when something happens to one of us because we can't be alone and she doesn't want piggies till she dies.



What kind of answer is that? Wow. I wont tell Kongo what they said, because he will mail them poo-letters and get us all into trouble.
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Fellow survivors,
This is my serious Paddington-look. The world is very unfair right now.

Joe wished for less drama in 2025. That wish did not come true, and he acts like its something going on with that tooth again. So. Slave gives him critical care. I might be like the only pig that loves critical care. Slave gives me a little bowl and I inhale it and I have no manners. When I'm done I have cc everywhere.
But. She doesn't give me any metacam! Just Joe. And he doesn't know the streetcodes - always share with your brother from another mother!
Its just so unfair.

Joe have a date with the vet om Tuesday. Slave tries not to worry to much.

Love from Kongo, high on the fumes of metacam. And ofc from Joe ♥️

Sorry about the tooth.

I get critical care in a dish, too. I like it watery and mom made it a little thicker today so I only ate half.

I get weighed tomorrow.

Mom has a short day shift today so she'll be back after 4.
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Fellow survivors,
This is my serious Paddington-look. The world is very unfair right now.

Joe wished for less drama in 2025. That wish did not come true, and he acts like its something going on with that tooth again. So. Slave gives him critical care. I might be like the only pig that loves critical care. Slave gives me a little bowl and I inhale it and I have no manners. When I'm done I have cc everywhere.
But. She doesn't give me any metacam! Just Joe. And he doesn't know the streetcodes - always share with your brother from another mother!
Its just so unfair.

Joe have a date with the vet om Tuesday. Slave tries not to worry to much.

Love from Kongo, high on the fumes of metacam. And ofc from Joe ♥️
Sorry to hear the tooth is causing problems.
Hope your vet trip goes well Joe
Cookies and Critical Care, essential things for us. Truffle and I have never had CC so far. Nothing could equal Metacam. I hope the tooth is OK, good luck at the vet.
Guess what, I gained 20 grams in five days. Mom was hoping for 30, but this is good. I'm now at 982. Mom wants me at least at 1 kilo.

Chez was rotten for his health check. Mom couldn't check for bumble foot. Looks like he gets another next cage clean instead of a week. What'll she do if he gets sick? Very strong willed pig.

Mom's nephew might come this month, he's 15. He can have me on his lap with supervision and some instructions for a short time. I'm sure Chez will zoom.
Hi boys and girls,

Joe here. Trying to survive those critical care-syringes and giving my slave a headache. What slave can tell I only want to eat basil, minth, kale, lettuce, tomatoes and peaflakes. And I get soooo much peaflakes and basil! But yes, I'm clearly in discomfort. I'm a bit grumpy in the morning, but after noon I'm okay with 15ml critical care/time most of the times. We're aiming for 90ml/day. Slave wants me chubby I guess (but thinks I feel so small and skinny with my 1294g 😂).
I'm not as up and about like I use to, I go say hello to Kongo a couple of times/day and purrs alot to my slave as usual, but mostly I'm in my house or taking naps in my cuddle-sack. Vet tomorrow. Slave is really anxious.

I send you my latest mugshot!

Love from Joe
Hello friends!

This is me in a couple of days:

Just like the slaves was thinking, my tooth is the enemy again. This time I do not have an URI or anything else. For now, no antibiotics! That makes us take a deep breath of relief, last time I got a bad reaction and it was so much drama around me.

Slaves got their hands on a bag of Alfalfa-hay. Its so soft and I can eat a little of it by myself. On Thursday they will fix my golden tooth. Well, I was so fun and charming last time I was wasted...

Usually I have manners, but drunk;


Do not wake me up. I told you. I warned you. Do NOT wake me up!

It was a crazy ride. But third time is a charm!

Love from Joe
Don't worry Joe, we all know what it is to be on the roller coaster 🎢 Teeth are such fun, but the ride isn't free ❤️‍🩹
Joe, what exactly are you having done to your tooth?

Thursday is my last day of baytril. Here in the states we give metacam once a day as it's believed it builds up in the system. So I will only have morning meds, no more late night meds after mom works.

Cousin Evan and aunty Cassandra are coming Saturday to meet us. Evan sent a guinea pig GIF yesterday. Mom and her nephew were pretty close when Grandma was alive then aunty got mad over money.

Mom only works 4 hours today! She's trying to save money so no takeout.
Dear Miss Bramble,
Yesterday at veggie dining time I had to refuse to eat then stand at the front of my home giving the idiot serving slave a hard stare. What was the problem you ask?
How VERY DARE they omit my favourite part of dindins. I attempted to get my neighboar to also protest but he wouldn't stop eating long enough to listen, he doesn't share my levels of refinement anyway!
The pathetic excuse given was that we had some herbs and aubergine earlier when their dinner was being cooked.
My slave was so impressed by my willpower to resist eating the yummy stuff behind me that I was suitably rewarded with the good stuff before having to resort to biting the bars.
Sending you my most boarly of rumbles,
(Still) Dignified Sir George x20241023_204259.webp
Dear Dignified Sir George

Your powers of restraint are astounding! I don't think I could leave any veggie dindins unattended if it didn't have what I wanted in it. I just inhale veggie dindins. You are being awarded the GPU's first Medal of Honour in recognition of your begging ability to get what you want to eat whilst being able to resist other food. I have given this advice on several occasions that food should be left in order to get what you want. Well done my advice clearly works.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward.

I have one crooked tooth, and because of that another one is too long and sharp. They will correct/grind them down.
Because I'm Joe the biggest concern is that I'm very sensitive to like everything, like GA, antibiotics and even metacam. But my vet is so good and can seriously sniff the problems! Maybe thats because she's an expert in animals like skunks? She will fix this like a pro 👍

Thinking of Joe today.

Tonight mom comes home at 7 and it'll be my last dose of baytril. I was on baytril and doxycycline for a month and ten days then just baytril for two weeks. My head tilt went away 3 days after I started the meds but vet lady wanted to nip this in the bud.

Mom's excited she only has to give me meds once a day after this but is a little worried I relapse. She's hoping if I do she can call the clinic and give my current weight and not bring me in. Administrator said it is possible, but up to vet lady.

Two more days till nephew comes. He apparently only drinks water and loves sweets so mom's going to set out a little tray with some goodies and a bottle of water. Maybe some kinder, what kid doesn't like kinder. Maybe go to Bosnian market and see what they have. Mom's thinking of ways to get Chez to zoom for him, maybe top off the hay?

Mom lives in a lower middle class home and they live in upper middle class home so hoping he likes it.
Stripe and Chez,
we all know your nephew will just adore you. You're pigs, kings of the world! But, a little zoom or two could ofc give you some extra treats. I'm a bit too potato to make a real popcorn or zoom, it seriously looks like I'm having a mini-seizure when I try, but people loves it when I'm standing on my backlegs with the paws against the grids and sings a beautiful little song. Another pro-tip is to really embrace the moment with guests. Love them. They give treats.

Ive been alone all day. I look a bit confused when I walk over and he's not there. Slave forgot to give me my breakfast cucumber, I got it at lunch... And Joe gets so much attention. I'm sooo over this tooth-drama!

Slave is on her way to the vet to pick Joe up right now. A text message from the dentist said Joe was done and okay around 11am and fell asleep like a baby for two hours. Best sleep in a week!

Love from Kongo, survivor of a slave that buys him a haybox for kittens. Seriously slave, I'm a bigpig!
He's 15. He has mild autism so says rude things that just pop out of his mouth.
Oh, our slave is a "habilitation support specialist". In normal words; she does autism for a living and really know the challenges for everyone. Its not fun when someone says rude things, but remember its just sounds. Pets can be very soothing and therapeutic, so show him how funny and sweet you are!
Our rainbow-brother Pikachu was a very good therapeut-pig. He just had a thing for maleslaves sister with autism and always went to her. He really had ants in his pants normally, but with her he just cuddled up and it really looked like he understand she is a special goldstar. Those moments gave her so much she started to cry everytime.

And; Joe is in the cab on his way home! Everything went good. He has a perfect smile, besides this very sharp back-tooth. Same as before. The GA was very light this time just because he had some trouble last time. He really is a survivor, this one! Now home and eat. Yay!
It was very fun to hear that the dentist remembered Pikachu (and Chip, "but he wasnt a pokemon"). Pikachu passed from trapped tongue in June 2023, thats a memory!

Brother Pikachu 🌈
I have a few relatives who are on the spectrum. In my experience both my boys seem to know somehow and have adjusted their behaviour while having lap time with them. Master Boris has always been calmer while Sir George has shown lots of affection instead of just splooting and having a nap.
I don't know if anyone else has had this happen?
Hi everyone

Just eating some critical care, I get weighed tomorrow at cage clean. Will I be a kilo? Time will tell.

I had only metacam this morning, and I won't have a med time tonight which is nice. But mom's a little nervous about me off the baytril. But she's hoping I have some good, consistently firm poops soon so I can go back on veg.

She's got lots to do before the guests come tomorrow:

Clean cages
Clean house
Go to the Bosnian market
Go grocery shopping
Wash hair

Now guys! Last night I was king on the cutting board. Slave called me "mister Christmas ham". What?!

Joe got this apple&banana-cc now. I like the anis, but this... Wow. I was hyper last night before slave gave my a little bowl.

Joe is tired and smells like a skunk. But he eats more and more by himself, mostly veggies. Slave was very naughty and forced him to eat some hay. He can eat it without any problems now, so we just have to wait for the appetite to come back! Slave wont force him again, and its not slave saying he smells like a skunk, miss Bramble 😉

Love from Kongo