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The C&C Cage Curse!


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 17, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Ireland UK
Just wondering if anyone else randomly looks at their C&C cage and decides they need to upgrade :xd:
Started today thinking that I should get new corroplast as it’s been well nibbled and looks a bit shabby and now I’ve got a cart full of stuff to make their cage 3x8 - there’s only three piggies in there! But more space = more cute hides and toys
I’m lucky my mum is fab at making fleece blankets!
I much prefer tarp/canvas as my C&C flooring these days, cable tie it to the grids (I buy sheets with eyelets) and it does a decent job of catching any poo or paper bedding that might escape itself from the cage.
Ooh that’s a good idea! My piggies would eat it though - is it safe for cage eaters? :xd:
I hang it outside the cage, around the outer level, rather than inside, because tbh my two eejits would probably eat it too, like this:

(just after it had been built, just before those two moved in and it's never been that clean since, lol)

Tied around the edges on 3 sides, and then I leave the open bit at the front to catch runaway bedding and poop and hay still, but it means they have an open wall for begging.
We are going to go and pick up new Corex for our 3 cages once we are sure all piggies are free from fungal. 2 of my cages are made up of several taped together bits! I'm also plotting a re design, my partner keeps looking sky wards. He's used to my cage revamps and being sent out for new sheets of Corex. :))
I have a 6x2 c&c with a 2x2 loft for my 2 piggies, plus they run around freely in the living room so other areas they frequent have separate fleece bedding and bobble bath mats too. I wanted to buy new fleece bedding and other stuffs for them, but then I always think where would I store them, and they already have 4 sets of everything plus the extra fleece bedding that I don't really use much for the cage. Never mind all the vetbeds that I have for them in case they need it. 🤣 It's a good thing really that I don't have a budget for them coz I won't impulse buy. 😂
