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UTI recovery help


New Born Pup
Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
Hemel hempstead
Hey all!

TLDR: Guinea pig not peeing a lot, any foods or methods to help him pee better?

My guinea pig Biscuit (M 4½) has had a nasty case of UTI, took him to the vet on saturday and vet perscribed metacam (the special one for guinea pigs) and enrocare

Since saturday hes gone from wheeking in pain and having spots of blood to having none at all!

Yesterday he decided he didnt want to eat or drinj, but after some special gut soup (critical care) hes been eating hay, special fibre food with LOW calcium and his greens. He also decided he likes drinking without being forced to by syringe and has been drinking by himself.

Today however, hes been eating his hay and greens and even the food, running about during floor time, no longer wheeking when pooping and no more blood! BUT he hasnt been peeing as much as he should.

HE HAS BEEN PEEING, so far 3 big puddles in the last 2 hours

Hes eaten cucumber and red pepper a bit and a lot of hay, but are there any foods or methods i could use to get him to start peeing normally again?

Sorry for long post, I HAVE called my vet but she said i should wait until our next appointmemt unless he gets worse as hes totally normal except the inconsistant pee

When my pigs were passing bladder sludge, I gave them plain water mixed with vitamin C in a syringe. They enjoy vitamin C and for whatever reason they love drinking water like that. If your little one doesn't like vitamin C, trying the syringe method is still worth a shot!

Best of luck c:
When my pigs were passing bladder sludge, I gave them plain water mixed with vitamin C in a syringe. They enjoy vitamin C and for whatever reason they love drinking water like that. If your little one doesn't like vitamin C, trying the syringe method is still worth a shot!

Best of luck c:
Thank you!

Do you think orange segments would have a similar effect? He LOVES orange for whatever reason, i just havent given him any recently as i thought acidic things were bad for UTI considering what it does in humans
I would simply offer extra cucumber slices to help with fluid intake.
Orange is too acidic and too much sugar so I would not give this.
I would simply offer extra cucumber slices to help with fluid intake.
Orange is too acidic and too much sugar so I would not give this.
Yeah hes been getting cucumber, pepper and hay all day, this is the reason i havent offered orange as you can see in the above reply ^π^ thank you