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Vitamin D Question In Pellet-less Diet


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 16, 2018
Reaction score
I think I may go for a pellet-less in my guinea pig's diet. What Vitamin D supplements are recommended during the winter months?

For the spring/ summer/ fall months I've heard outside for just 15 minutes a day will suffice. Are we talking *direct* sunlight? Or just indirect sunlight outside in shade?

Thanks so much!
It seems just a bit (maybe 1,000 IUs). Most pellets are fortified with it and it helps to get calcium absorbed so they don’t form stones from what I’ve read. But I’m not sure how to go about getting this
Ok: after looking I think I found one! On my oxbow pellets it says there is 900IUs of vitamin D in them. So I figure that is the upper number for guinea pigs. This has 200IU per spray. I would not use the spray but measure it by ml. Ingredients are just “vitamin D3 from Wild Organic Lichen, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Non-GMO Vegan Vitamin E”. What do you guys think? :D

Now it’s will she take it lol....
@Lilythepig2017 When I took my pig off pellets I was worried about Vitamin D too. What made things worse was he used to get really snuffly breathing every time he went outside so letting him go out in the run happened very rarely even in summer.

Could you still take your piggy out for a few minutes every now and then, with a snugglesafe or something to keep warm?

I did briefly try using a lamp for him, like you use for reptiles but I got very conflicting advice. I was told that I had to ensure that he couldn't look at the bulb which made it impossible to use as there's not really any sunglasses made for pigs!

My vet wasn't worried about Vit D deficiency at all. Although he got arthritis later in life he was still a very active boar, running around and climbing the side of the cage so there was never any signs of bone or muscle weakness.

Are you trying to increase Vit D as a vet recommendation or through reading like I did?

I'd be really interested to know what happens if you do use the spray.
@Lilythepig2017 When I took my pig off pellets I was worried about Vitamin D too. What made things worse was he used to get really snuffly breathing every time he went outside so letting him go out in the run happened very rarely even in summer.

Could you still take your piggy out for a few minutes every now and then, with a snugglesafe or something to keep warm?

I did briefly try using a lamp for him, like you use for reptiles but I got very conflicting advice. I was told that I had to ensure that he couldn't look at the bulb which made it impossible to use as there's not really any sunglasses made for pigs!

My vet wasn't worried about Vit D deficiency at all. Although he got arthritis later in life he was still a very active boar, running around and climbing the side of the cage so there was never any signs of bone or muscle weakness.

Are you trying to increase Vit D as a vet recommendation or through reading like I did?

I'd be really interested to know what happens if you do use the spray.


I’m really sorry for the late reply.

So I’m trying to increase her vitamin D through diet as I’ve read many studies that state they need some vitamin D to absorb the calcium in their bones. Not their soft tissues. How much though I am not sure still.

I found this vitamin D online and I think the ingredients sound ok so I’d be interested to hear what others think.

I could give a very small dose. I will consult the vet again about this. I only was able to talk to a vet tech on the phone who kept insisting they don’t need it. They do, but to what extent I’m not sure.

I’ll post what I find out further.
Actually this one is lower dose and I think better

I look forward to any thoughts :)