Water Bottles


Anniversary Herd
Mar 26, 2017
Reaction score
Broadstone, Dorset
I am changing water in the bottles every couple of days and cleaning them with a bottle brush and the spouts with cotton buds once a week to help stop the build up of algae. I have the bottles in covers but it still doesn't stop the bottom (where the spout is) or the spout from getting algaefied (is that even a word? but you know what I mean). Is there a gp safe disinfectant I can use? I personally wouldn't want to drink from anything that has had algae in it without disinfecting it first. At the mo I use boiling water but don't think it's good enough but can't think of anything else. Any suggestions welcome.
Think you are probably not changing them enough, I put really cold water in there daily. The other thing I think you can use baby sterilisation tablets if you wash the bottles well.
Think you are probably not changing them enough, I put really cold water in there daily. The other thing I think you can use baby sterilisation tablets if you wash the bottles well.

Hadn't thought of that. I'll give them a try!
I would rinse the bottles and change the water daily too. To sterilize them it is safe to use Milton liquid (baby bottle sterilizer) I use this for my bottles every so often, even tho they dont have algae, just as a precaution. I also rinse them after sterilizing even tho the instructions say you dont have to.
I use filtered water for my piggys, one day last week I had used all the ready filtered and rather than wait I put one bottle of straight from the tap water on an outside run the next morning it had started to go green. The three bottles containing filtered water were still clear.
I wash my bottles in hot water every day when I change the water and clean with baby bottle steralising solution about once a month. I rinse mine out well after steralising.
Filtering takes out a lot of the chemicals but it would still go green eventually, water should be changed at least once daily.
I use filtered water for my piggys, one day last week I had used all the ready filtered and rather than wait I put one bottle of straight from the tap water on an outside run the next morning it had started to go green. The three bottles containing filtered water were still clear.
I wash my bottles in hot water every day when I change the water and clean with baby bottle steralising solution about once a month. I rinse mine out well after steralising.
Thats interesting that only the tap water went green, In the sun it dosent take long. When my piggies are out in their runs i give them water in bowls instead, I can make sure it is under the shade and they are quicker to clean too.
I've given up with bottles for my piggies now for various reasons. They now have a ceramic water bowl instead - been using it for about 3 months with no issues, and it's much easier to clean too. Size-wise it's one that was sold as a cat water bowl.
Have you tried rice ing your water bottles?

1 quarter fill with water and put in a few ounces of rice !
Shake vigorously, that will clean them like new

NB don't do this with the spouts attached, as the rice will get stuck !

I wouldent be to bother about a bit of green , if you have ever done any plumbing, and cut copper cold water pipe in half you will see that the inside
Is covered in green and brown alge
I use a ceramic rabbit bowl for my two with no problems. I put it on a tile in a plastic up side down stool.

I change the water in mine daily and swill it around with a brush and then do a full scrub and spout clean at the weekend. This keeps anything from building up.