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Weight Loss


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 12, 2019
Reaction score
Mr Muffin was neutered last week and when I weighed him yesterday he has lost about 22g. I weighed him again today and he has lost about 25g. There hasn’t been anything wrong with him since the surgery. I think it might be because of the separation from Blueberry. They’ve been separated for a bit over 2 weeks because Mr Muffin attacked Blueberry and caused him to bleed quite a bit. Blueberry has been a lot more happy but Mr Muffin has been way more quite and disconnected recently but he has been eating and drinking, any advice or solutions as to why he’s lost weight? (They’re both males around 8/9 months)
Mr Muffin was neutered last week and when I weighed him yesterday he has lost about 22g. I weighed him again today and he has lost about 25g. There hasn’t been anything wrong with him since the surgery. I think it might be because of the separation from Blueberry. They’ve been separated for a bit over 2 weeks because Mr Muffin attacked Blueberry and caused him to bleed quite a bit. Blueberry has been a lot more happy but Mr Muffin has been way more quite and disconnected recently but he has been eating and drinking, any advice or solutions as to why he’s lost weight? (They’re both males around 8/9 months)
If you're concerned about weight loss, start syringe feeding critical care (or mushed pellets as an emergency measure) right now. A piggy not eating as much as it needs can quickly deteriorate.

A fluctuation of about 20grams can be the difference between a full or empty bladder but the fact the weight loss is continued is a concern. After a surgery aswell, with all the medication, it can upset the natural balance of the gut, and so critical care also help balance this back out and put all the good stuff back in. Someone more experienced will also be along shortly and more than likely link some helpful posts for you.
Mr Muffin was neutered last week and when I weighed him yesterday he has lost about 22g. I weighed him again today and he has lost about 25g. There hasn’t been anything wrong with him since the surgery. I think it might be because of the separation from Blueberry. They’ve been separated for a bit over 2 weeks because Mr Muffin attacked Blueberry and caused him to bleed quite a bit. Blueberry has been a lot more happy but Mr Muffin has been way more quite and disconnected recently but he has been eating and drinking, any advice or solutions as to why he’s lost weight? (They’re both males around 8/9 months)


50g is about the weight loss you go on alert, especially if it is ongoing.
You can start offering extra feed or plain porridge oats.
Contact the clinic if this continues or speeds up.
Here is our detailed post-op care and neutering op advice:
Tips For Post-operative Care
Neutering operations: Considerations, post-op care and a successful recovery example

Are the boys still in contact where they can see, smell and talk with each other for full communication and round the clock stimulation, even if it is through the bars? Some piggies don't deal well with being on their own.

All the best! At the moment, the weight loss is not yet in a range that is worrying and can be easily caught up again once your boy is well in himself again.
When Micah was neutered he too lost weight.
Following forum advice I was weighing him every day and so picked up very quickly that something was amiss.
Straight back to the vet who couldn’t find anything except a slight rise in temperature.
Two days later, more worried we went back to the vet who could now see an abscess developing.
He was operated on again and with Critical Care syringe feeding soon recovered lost weight and is now thriving.

Hope your boy quickly regains his weight without any complications but you are wise to be keeping a close eye on him