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What made you happy today?

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This is MrA giving up his Sunday morning lie in to help with a bird that had fallen down our chimney and got stuck half way. When the usual methods of enticing said bird downwards failed, he improvised with a cushion attached to a set of drain rods to push the bird up the chimney back to the pot and then out. I watched from outside and observed one lucky jackdaw emerging from the chimney and flying off to join its flock.
Incidentally the collective noun for a group of jackdaws is a clattering. Very apt if you’d heard the one in our chimney.
Well done MrA for getting the jackdaw (not hacksaw, autocorrect!) out alive!
We had birds down chimneys is our previous houses too. In our first house, with an open fire place, we had a crow and a blackbird, the blackbird got out the living room and flew around depositing soot etc around the house. In the other house, sadly, we had a gas fire (unused) and by the time we were able to get an engineer out to remove it, the poor bird had died :no:
It’s our wedding anniversary today so when it stopped raining and sleeting and the sun shone we went for a lovely coastal walk. But cold and windy- certainly blew all the cobwebs away.
Also built up an appetite as we’re off to a lovely Thai restaurant for a meal this evening.
Belated happy anniversary.

I’m happy today because my hair was beautified. And I’ve made progress on my cardigan. And I got my violin out the loft and still have it to some degree. I got to grade 2 before switching to the piano (can’t remember why!). But that was...more than 20 years ago! Simple things in life.
Something so little but, painting my nails red again for the first time in years.
I am not allowed to at work, but I have made the decision to leave my job in search of career change recently.

I am finding myself more and more by the day as I had completely lost who I am. I was heading very quickly on a downward spiral to mental health issues. I'm slowly coming out of the woods, taking baby steps - but steps nonetheless.

I feel like I can breathe again.
The thought of going back to my hotel room after this shift, eating junk food, then laying in my single tiny bed and doing nothing but relax. Do a bit of foruming, bit of youtube music binge.
I went out on a client appointment with my new colleague to hand over the last of the clients from my last role. It was quite emotional as I have been supporting her for over a year now and she's made so much progress. She brought me a gift bless her so that my baby can be a baby carrot :)) she remembered I have guinea pigs and thought it would be a good match :) IMG_20200303_114538.jpg
Something so little but, painting my nails red again for the first time in years.
I am not allowed to at work, but I have made the decision to leave my job in search of career change recently.

I am finding myself more and more by the day as I had completely lost who I am. I was heading very quickly on a downward spiral to mental health issues. I'm slowly coming out of the woods, taking baby steps - but steps nonetheless.

I feel like I can breathe again.
Glad you're feeling a bit better. I hope you find something that you enjoy ❤ your health should always come first but I know its not always that simple when you have bills to pay too x
Glad you're feeling a bit better. I hope you find something that you enjoy ❤ your health should always come first but I know its not always that simple when you have bills to pay too x
Thank you, sweetie. 🥰
Today my 12 year old made me smile.
I told her I would only put credit on her phone if she sent me at least 1 update while she is in ski camp this week (she is away for 7 days, so 1 update didn't seem unreasonable).
Today I got the photo below which is apparently an artistic representation of how she looked when she fell out of the shower.
Oh, and lunch was good.
