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New Born Pup
Jun 5, 2017
Reaction score
Hi! I recently got a guinea pig (Cream is her name) from a friend who could no longer support it. She said that she would give Cream these vitamin C drops that had yogurt in them. She said that they work great for getting vitamin c to the guinea pig, but a lot of websites that I've been to say that I shouldn't give yogurt to her. Is this true? I don't want to give Cream anything she shouldn't have.
Hi there,

Yoghurt is a no. If you are concerned about more more Vit C, try Oxbow Vet C tablets instead. The drops into water are not recommended for a number of reasons. To be honest if you are giving your piggy a good fresh food diet you shouldn't need it.
Hi there,

Yoghurt is a no. If you are concerned about more more Vit C, try Oxbow Vet C tablets instead. The drops into water are not recommended for a number of reasons. To be honest if you are giving your piggy a good fresh food diet you shouldn't need it.

Thank you very much! I'm giving her a good amount of fresh food, so I think that she'll be fine.
here vets recommend only Cebion drops (because we have no other brands of drops here); not the drops to put into the bottle of water, but the drops you mix with other drops of water and immediately use for syringing the piggie in his mouth. These drops (Cebion) are easily dosable and it is guarantee by the firm the amount of vitamin C in any single drop (6mg). Yogurt is forbidden for piggies and other supplements are wrong as well because they contain a too high amount of vitamin and it is always wrong to cut in two and more pieces a tablet. Unfortunately vegs lose part of vit C after only some days from the harvest; and tablets/pellets too can lose vit C because of the light, the air, the room temperature... My piggies eat huge amount of fresh grass, therefore they get from it vit C, but I add also 2 drops... Consider that a piggie needs 30-40mg/kg vit C (when he is ill and stressed he needs more)
here vets recommend only Cebion drops (because we have no other brands of drops here); not the drops to put into the bottle of water, but the drops you mix with other drops of water and [you]immediately use for syringing the piggie[/you] in his mouth. These drops (Cebion) are easily dosable and it is guarantee by the firm the amount of vitamin C in any single drop (6mg). Yogurt is forbidden for piggies and other supplements are wrong as well because they contain a too high amount of vitamin and it is always wrong to cut in two and more pieces a tablet. Unfortunately vegs lose part of vit C after only some days from the harvest; and tablets/pellets too can lose vit C because of the light, the air, the room temperature... My piggies eat huge amount of fresh grass, therefore they get from it vit C, but I add also 2 drops... Consider that a piggie needs 30-40mg/kg vit C (when he is ill and stressed he needs more)

Thank you! This is all really good to know.
Thank you! This is all really good to know.
and.. if you want to try this Cebion and then you change idea and prefer a different product, you can use drops for yourself :D.
In UK you have a cheaper and bigger bottle... in Italy unfortunately there is only the little bottle 10ml and it lasts one month for me (I give 2 drops each piggie; I have two piggies). My piggies jump on me when they see I am preparing the syringe... it is quite funny...:))
and.. if you want to try this Cebion and then you change idea and prefer a different product, you can use drops for yourself :D.
In UK you have a cheaper and bigger bottle... in Italy unfortunately there is only the little bottle 10ml and it lasts one month for me (I give 2 drops each piggie; I have two piggies). My piggies jump on me when they see I am preparing the syringe... it is quite funny...:))

That sounds really funny to watch! Thanks for all the tips, I really appreciate it!
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