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  1. D

    Blood in Urine and Enlarged Nipple and Closed Vet for 2 Days!

    Hi! My 3.5 year old Piggie Ralphina had blood in her urine 2 weeks ago so I went to the emergency vet, did X-rays, no stones, they said it was UTI and gave her pain meds and antibiotics. Did that for a week, didn’t see any blood, finished the meds a few days ago, then came home from work last...
  2. Wetherill

    Veggies during blood in urine?

    My Bercy started seeing some blood in his urine (?) just before. I haven’t figured out exactly what the issue is because every stain I see is the tiniest little spot of blood in the center of a grape-sized spot that looks like normal urine, but still very very small. Keeping an eye on it and...
  3. D

    blood on bedding, please help

    i found one dried blood spot on my guinea pigs’ bedding a couple of days ago, but haven’t noticed anything similar since also, 2 days ago donna was straining to poop (though this might’ve been due to too many carrots) and squeaking in pain, but that stopped too the next day and this morning &...
  4. Cooper & Chris Farley

    Another Bladder Stone 😔

    Just when my new piggie was getting settled in and all was seemingly well… I found little blood stains in Chris’s bedding today. I’m kicking myself and feeling so much guilt because I haven’t given him his potassium citrate for a long while now.. As soon as I saw the blood stains this afternoon...
  5. thw797

    Guinea pig peeing blood intermittently for over a month — what to do now?

    Hi all! This is my first post here and after lurking and reading other’s experiences, I’ve decided to come here and ask. My girl Daisy is around 3 years old. She has been peeing blood intermittently ever since the end of November. I took her to the emergency vet where they diagnosed her with a...
  6. G


    Hi! I’m looking for help. I have a female Guinea pig that started to do a pink pee, after that a red pee, and also she was squeaking doing pee/poop. I took her to the vet, she started taking the medication (sulfamethoxazole 0.5ml at every 12 hours and meloxicam 0.2mg, one pill and after a couple...
  7. cinnamon7

    guinea pig with sore on nose

    i found this on his nose and i don’t know what it is
  8. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Blood in urine.

    Hi guys! (Sorry I only seem to come on when I need help, it’s been really difficult with losing piggies and poorly piggies I’ve been finding it hard to come on.) After losing Iggy last year I thought my bladder troubles were behind me but boy was I wrong. My beautiful Andromeda has started...
  9. Angelina_97866

    Guinea pig bleeding from bum area

    My male boar has suddenly started bleeding from his urinary area. I’m very worried as it’s quite a lot of blood. What should I do to help apart from take him to the vet which hopefully I can do asap?
  10. C

    Red urine

    My Guinea pig has been losing weight slowly these past few weeks. The other night I noticed pink blood and was hoping it was something she ate. It continues to be red. There are no vets open today and I have I’ll try to get her in tomorrow but any advice on what I should be doing for her right...
  11. M

    Mass found in or around uterus

    Sunday morning (Oct. 9) I picked up my 4-year-old guinea pig, Rummy, to say good morning and noticed blood coming from her genital area. I called multiple ER vets as none near me treat guinea pigs or were even open. We drove an hour and a half to the nearest vet, with all three of our girls, and...
  12. JessFerguson

    Stone Surgery or Not?

    Hi everyone, my male piggie Connor had xrays at the beginning of the year as i found blood in his urine. The xray showed stones so the vet prescribed Baytril and Rheumocam. He's doing really well in himself, always has been. Sometimes when he poops he does squeek, and today ive noticed blood in...
  13. D

    Above nose bleed

    my guinea pig had a bit off hard fur above his nose for a week or two now. i helped him and took it off. although there are no changes in the way he acts , the bit where the hard fur was gave a bit of blood. i tryed my best to clean it up. is there anything i should be concerned about? i’m a bit...
  14. Queenjellybeany

    Blood in wee, squeaking and i just want it sorted 😭😭

    Hello I’m looking for some advice and I’m really sorry to post about this again but I’m feeling quite stressed about it. I’ve been back and forth a lot with the vets as my lady piggie is squeaking when weeing, has had very soft poops and sometimes weeing a very teeny amount of blood. She has...
  15. Chippervb

    Please help my piggy has swelling with pus

    We will immediately call the vet tomorrow morning (its closed now) what do you guys think it is? I first didn't see anything wrong until I put her back in her case after giving her some cuddles. She was squeeking from pain, then I picked her up again, and saw the infection.. There was also a bit...
  16. elijerr

    Can't find the cause of blood in guinea pig cage.

    I started noticing what appeared to be bloody urine two days ago (I'm getting them into the vet within the next day or so). I put down a pee pad and waited for both pigs to pee but both of them had completely normal urine. I checked them both over for injuries multiple times and I checked their...
  17. Helloo

    Bleeding from bottom. Help asap!

    So my I noticed small amount of blood coming at my guinea pigs bottom. There were only few drops and she doesn't bleed anymore. She's acting normal and doesn't show any signs of pain and she's peeing normally and I also checked if she had any tumors or cysts but I couldn't find anything. So it...
  18. B

    Blood in poop?

    Hi everyone, I have a 1 and a half year old guinea pig named Bubbles and this morning I noticed he had a small amount of what seemed to be blood in his poop? It was quite a big poop so it could of just be where he had strained and it was a small amount but should I be concerned? He has had no...
  19. M

    Sow bleeding from bottom after 2 weeks of antibiotic and anti inflammatory treatment

    Hi, My piggy June is about a year and a half old. Two weeks ago I found blood in the pen and on her bottom to we took her to the vets where she was checked and had an x ray. There was glucose in her wee and blood and the x-ray showed no sign of kidney or bladder stones. So she began treatment...
  20. L

    Blood in pee?

    Hey everyone! My boys Lenny and Rupert a nearly 9 weeks old now, both seem absolutely fine - popcorning and eating 24/7. The night before last I noticed some dark pee on one of their new white beds (so showed up very obviously) it was almost a rusty/red colour so I immediately worried it had...