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New Born Pup
Feb 17, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

I have a 1 and a half year old guinea pig named Bubbles and this morning I noticed he had a small amount of what seemed to be blood in his poop? It was quite a big poop so it could of just be where he had strained and it was a small amount but should I be concerned? He has had no food today which could of made his poop have bits of red in either?

Hi everyone,

I have a 1 and a half year old guinea pig named Bubbles and this morning I noticed he had a small amount of what seemed to be blood in his poop? It was quite a big poop so it could of just be where he had strained and it was a small amount but should I be concerned? He has had no food today which could of made his poop have bits of red in either?


Any blood in poop needs to be checked by a vet, ideally within 24 hours. And any piggy that is not eating is a VERY ill piggy. this sounds rather serious.

Please switch from weighing once weekly to weighing daily at the same time in order to monitor the food intake and to know in which intensity you need to supplement with fibrous food (mushed pellets in an emergency, recovery formula in the medium to longer term). Keep in mind that around 80% of what your piggy eats in a day is hay, which you cannot control by eye.

Here is our one stop emergency, crisis and bridging care advice and information link, which covers all the things mentioned above in the practical detail that you will need but that exceeds what we can put into a single post: Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Weight - Monitoring and Management
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre