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A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

I've been awake since 4:30 from pain from wearing my retainer for the first night - are they supposed to hurt when you wear them? I definitely put them in correctly and the orthodontist was happy when she helped me get them in at the "practise" (what do you call them? I think I'm thinking in vet terms...) but I didn't sleep more than 30mins last night. I took them off immediately after I got up and took a weak painkiller which has now worked its magic but I don't think I can do this every night.
I've been awake since 4:30 from pain from wearing my retainer for the first night - are they supposed to hurt when you wear them? I definitely put them in correctly and the orthodontist was happy when she helped me get them in at the "practise" (what do you call them? I think I'm thinking in vet terms...) but I didn't sleep more than 30mins last night. I took them off immediately after I got up and took a weak painkiller which has now worked its magic but I don't think I can do this every night.
I always found my retainers got loser over time, the first night is definitely the worst but as your teeth get used to being in that position you hardly notice them. I have had to have new ones made a few times as I grind my teeth so have ground through two sets! Everytime I get a new set it always hurts on the first night then they losen up and I forget i’m wearing them.
I've been awake since 4:30 from pain from wearing my retainer for the first night - are they supposed to hurt when you wear them? I definitely put them in correctly and the orthodontist was happy when she helped me get them in at the "practise" (what do you call them? I think I'm thinking in vet terms...) but I didn't sleep more than 30mins last night. I took them off immediately after I got up and took a weak painkiller which has now worked its magic but I don't think I can do this every night.

I understand your pain! Dental treatment is a nightmare, I’ve only just had my retainer taken out. I promise in a week or two you won’t know it’s there :hug:
We ordered all our Christmas meat from a local butcher. Free delivery after 5pm on 22nd or 23rd. Called them yesterday to check which day we were scheduled for so we could make plans and they said after 5pm today. So hubby took the chance today to drive around the Midlands dropping presents at a social distance to various friends and family at service stations and I had my hairdressers appointment (only gone about an hour and half). So they tried to deliver the food at 1pm while we were both out. This is despite calling me at 12 to take the rest of the payment and I asked if I could call in an hour or so as I was just in the hairdressers :)) so I have tried calling and haven't heard back from them... May just have a plateful of veg and some stuffing for Christmas dinner at this rate
Anti inflammatory help? Sorry.

Have resorted to tablets. I can move my arm one way but not the other. I've felt like a one arm bandit all day!

Today people that don't reply to messages are bugging me. I mean, don't ignore my message that tells me you've seen it to post three million memories/quotes on facebook, to then reply to me in 5 days saying you'd "not seen it".
I always found my retainers got loser over time, the first night is definitely the worst but as your teeth get used to being in that position you hardly notice them. I have had to have new ones made a few times as I grind my teeth so have ground through two sets! Everytime I get a new set it always hurts on the first night then they losen up and I forget i’m wearing them.

I understand your pain! Dental treatment is a nightmare, I’ve only just had my retainer taken out. I promise in a week or two you won’t know it’s there :hug:

Thank you both so much for reassuring me, I spent the day worrying my retainer was too small or my teeth had already moved, it's so good to know it's normal to get a bit of ache on the first day. :)
Have resorted to tablets. I can move my arm one way but not the other. I've felt like a one arm bandit all day!

Today people that don't reply to messages are bugging me. I mean, don't ignore my message that tells me you've seen it to post three million memories/quotes on facebook, to then reply to me in 5 days saying you'd "not seen it".
🤨 was the reaction I wanted but they don’t have it. I admit I don’t reply to all messages. However I do read them and if it’s important then I do reply. Hope you get some relief soon with your arm.
Today's my Xmas I worked yesterday so we just delayed things a day, I'm round ma&pa's (5min walk & in my bubble) just finished our meal.
My elderly uncle (also same village) & cousin are here, they're p'in me off as they have little concept of masks, it doesn't work on the table, in your hand or pocket... FFS put it on! Knobbers. I've worn my mask in my parents since masks came Into 'fashion' & I don't see why they should be any different & put my elderly parents at risk! Grr!

I've mentioned a few times that they haven't got masks on, they go on for a few mins then seem to come off again... I know it's Xmas but I don't want giving or receiving of covid at any point! Xx
Honestly not been feeling the Christmas spirit at all this year. What with losing Sprout, and then my step-mum’s mum dying on the 22nd, I’m just ready for this whole year to finish. Just tired of everything at the moment.
Honestly not been feeling the Christmas spirit at all this year. What with losing Sprout, and then my step-mum’s mum dying on the 22nd, I’m just ready for this whole year to finish. Just tired of everything at the moment.
Sorry for your losses.
Just tired of everything at the moment.
I'm so sorry to hear of your losses. It might not help, but I've spoken to a few folks who have lost relations at this time of year and it's more common than you'd think. There seems to be a thing of people (either knowingly, or subconsciously) trying to hang on in there for one last Christmas. We had two funerals on Christmas Eve last year. I hope 2021 brings better things x
I woke up with a start (again!) at 4.30... maybe it's a Tuesday thing. This time it was being eaten by crocodiles - in a very visceral way. I think I preferred the 'gonnnnnnng' dream :roll:
Honestly not been feeling the Christmas spirit at all this year. What with losing Sprout, and then my step-mum’s mum dying on the 22nd, I’m just ready for this whole year to finish. Just tired of everything at the moment.
I am so very sorry for your losses :( I hope that 2021 will be a better year for you x
Here’s my rant for the day... my visa application form came and we need to send additional evidence that we’ve been together in the last 2 years which we have plenty of, his mum opened the mail and rather than posting it to us so we can get it sent in for the deadline of the end of March, she’s trying to criticise and debate about my name. Haven’t made this too public but I’m in the process of changing my birth name which unfortunately hasn’t gotten far because of Covid, my birth name is on the fiancé visa and she’s flipping over how I did something silly and all of this because she doesn’t like it. It looks like she’s refusing to send it...