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A place to rant about things that wind you up ( keep it clean lol)

Wow! Is it painful?

Hell no. Feels great when something finally goes, the back especially. I have a very slight spine curve that I think might be the culprit there. Maybe I'm just getting old lol.
Hell no. Feels great when something finally goes, the back especially. I have a very slight spine curve that I think might be the culprit there. Maybe I'm just getting old lol.
I know that feeling of satisfaction! It’s like when I’m driving and have to click my knee when it kind of locks. Only thing is it’s always the right leg...
Yeah that point just before it clicks hurts, but afterwards I just get to sit there and...enjoy the feeling, lol. I'm glad i ignored everyone telling me not to do it or "it'll give me arthritis" as a kid, because I don't think I could get out of bed at this point otherwise.

15 years ago I was in a psych ward for about 8 months, and a hospital mattress is pretty much designed to be comfortable AND supportive. Well it turns out it worked so well that because I wasn't sleeping on my own bed, I could get my lower back to make this surprisingly loud and satisfying "thunk" as it adapted to the different mattress. Kept freaking out the nurses and they were convinced I was doing it to annoy them but it felt too amazing to not do it. My own mattress was far too soft, I hate soft mattresses these days lol.
When I was little my left elbow locked so that I couldn't straighten it properly. The only way to straighten it was to throw my forearm out and that would click my elbow then my arm was fine again.
Laptop has gone on a bit of a blink. After 7 years of usage! I've got some church-related files on there that weren't backed up anywhere as well as some other bits 😭 I'm hoping the husband can sort it out for me.
Groups of girls (young teens) hanging around inside and outside of shops, some of them not wearing masks. One coughed all round the shop this morning. :hb:
Trawled the Internet for a Tefal 32cm frying pan....
(told it was to replace a 26cm bottom-31cm top pan, the required size is apparently the bigger measurement).

Ordered said frying pan this morning (yippee!) that said available for same day delivery, bonus I'll be in all day & last day off before Christmas
Filled out delivery instructions... Clicked Confirm & pay (yippee!)

Sorry no delivery slots available pick another day (#sadface)...
OK tomorrow then, filled out delivery info... again!

Pick your time slot... Between 8-6 or 6-10...I'm hoping it's between 8-10.30 as I'm working the rest of it... We all know when it'll come tho-don't we?!

Confirmed & paid, xmas present sorted (yippee!).

Measured said frying pan tonight... Its between 21-26cm measurements! (#sadfacetearsrollinggahhhateinernetshopping!).

OK so tomorrow upon delivery, the RAF are going to be scrambled thinking there's a ruddy crashed flying saucer 🛸 behind my wheelie bins!

... My first Xmas present return & it's not even arrived yet! (#dispondantsigh!).
Oh well!
Laptop has gone on a bit of a blink. After 7 years of usage! I've got some church-related files on there that weren't backed up anywhere as well as some other bits 😭 I'm hoping the husband can sort it out for me.
If your OH can't sort it, data can usually be rescued from failed hard drives by technicians with the know-how and right equipment. We had a desktop and a laptop both fail and need rescuing this spring 😬
If your OH can't sort it, data can usually be rescued from failed hard drives by technicians with the know-how and right equipment. We had a desktop and a laptop both fail and need rescuing this spring 😬
He tried to restore to a previous point and that didn’t work! He’s going to try getting a recovery thing for it. I’ll double check to see if I created a recovery file for it.

Worst case scenario I can just get the data off the drive. No technician to get it to at the moment unfortunately. Bad timing because I need to update the church books and another thing. Moral of the story - backup desktop files to a usb!
When your neighbour constantly goes out of her way to do this performative parenting / happy family act, when her husband is rude and passive aggressive to other neighbours :roll:
She's the one stuck in the house with him!

When you wake up suddenly at 4.20 because you've had a dream that had a big 'Gonnnnnnnnnnngggggggg' noise in it. I could literally hear it ringing in my ears for ages! Who dreams about a gong - it's the most stupid thing that's happened all week!
Am I being unreasonable?! We've had a friend for about 20 years but she's moved away, got married and has her own family, and we maybe meet up once a year.

She's aware of the issues we have with our youngest (14y). My husband spoke to her for 5 mins the other day and then she said she'd been losing sleep and could she talk to us both, so we arranged a "zoom" call where she gave us a lecture on everything we're doing wrong.

At one point she started talking about her own daughter and without her seeming to notice it the "she" became our daughter.

She has no understanding of severe generalised anxiety disorder and kept repeating "anxiety is something everybody has to deal with". Add in the rigidity of thought associated with ASD - again, clueless.

Her son has ADHD which apparently makes her an expert on our issues 🤬🤬🤬
That's too bad. 😞 When you don't know something, normally you end up being an "expert" on the subject. We just officially had our 2 year old diagnosed as ASD and it is really hard. Do you guys have ABA centers in the UK?

I notice that sometimes when someone is having a major freak out/angry moment about one thing, there is a deeper, real reason for their behavior. Hopefully your friend will calm down and be a bit more understanding.
Outside my back door I had a planter of carrots, at least up until this morning! I have discovered all the green tops chewed off and left on the floor, the carrots have disappeared! The only animal I can think that would do this is squirrels. The squirrels here have not hibernated this year and I suspect they are finding a shortage of food. I hope he doesn't discover the old ceramic sink is also full of carrots, they are almost ready to thin out, I'm saving them for the new year as the tiny thinning's make a lovely piggie treat.
Squirrels eat carrots?!
Am I being unreasonable?!
She was probably thinking no-one could have worse anxiety than her poor anxious girl but there's always somebody worse off. My friend was getting frustrated with one of hers, when someone she knew confessed her daughter not only couldn't bring herself to leave her bed but couldn't even speak to her tutors on zoom and lay under the sheets whispering answers to mum so she could relay them. Poor, poor child. It puts things into perspective. The Underpiggy in me would want to genuinely keep an open mind and ponder her words, although the Dominant would absolutely stare her right in the eye and say, 'Well that's obviously where we were going wrong then! Thank goodness you told us before we f****d it up completely."

Anxiety is considered to be a response to outside events and if you have inappropriate levels of anxiety you're somehow 'doing it wrong' and people feel the need to correct you. I'm quite convinced that for a lot of girls at least it's a biological feature which can kick in at puberty and settle down later on... until mid-life anyway. Right now I don't have anxiety, and I wasn't an anxious child, but it hit very hard in my teens and it was seriously about 10 years before I understood what was happening to me when a very sensible lady explained panic attacks with a graph. It was still there though, even though I understood it, and very annoying it was too because it doesn't half get in the way of all the stuff you want to get done and you feel a right tw*t if it happens in a public place. My inappropriate anxiety is essentially a hormonal issue which was only taken seriously by a gynecologist in my 40s who, instead of a pile of head-meds, put me on a mild contraceptive pill to stop me ovulating so now, miraculously, I only get 'appropriate' anxiety - which is nothing at all. She changed my life and the lives of those around me in the space of about 2 weeks. Anxiety like this isn't a choice, although fighting it has to be, but when you're a teenager life's already hard enough. It takes time to learn the way through the woods and time is not easy for the young. Good luck @Pigwhisperer
That's too bad. 😞 When you don't know something, normally you end up being an "expert" on the subject. We just officially had our 2 year old diagnosed as ASD and it is really hard. Do you guys have ABA centers in the UK?

I notice that sometimes when someone is having a major freak out/angry moment about one thing, there is a deeper, real reason for their behavior. Hopefully your friend will calm down and be a bit more understanding.
No, ABA seems to have had a lot of bad press here so it's not used now, I don't know any details.

I think you're right though and my friend's real issue is her own parenting doubts!
Squirrels eat carrots?!

They eat berries and they used to sit in my neighbours garden and shell his peas, just leave him the pods so yes I think they would. I've seen them pull daffodil bulbs out of the ground and take a bite and discard the rest of the bulb, they must taste horrible! They use their front paws like hands so they would be able to pull the carrots up.
I've done something to my shoulder. Think it's a trapped nerve so this is going to be a fun sleep...