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Bathing Temperature Advice Please


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
I need to bathe my guinea pigs in imaverol due to ringworm. But I'm unsure of what temperature the water should be please? The internet says test it with your elbow to check it's not too warm or too cold. But what's too warm or too cold please? I don't want to overheat them or freeze them.
I need to bathe my guinea pigs in imaverol due to ringworm. But I'm unsure of what temperature the water should be please? The internet says test it with your elbow to check it's not too warm or too cold. But what's too warm or too cold please? I don't want to overheat them or freeze them.


The water should feel warm and comfy but not hot against your inner elbow or wrist. If you need an absolute temperature range, google for baby bath temperatures; we use the same range.
Thank you! I appreciate that. I didn't want to cause harm to them.