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Boars smell after neutering


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 16, 2018
Reaction score

My two boars have recently been neutered, bless them. Health-wise, they are both doing great. They’re both eating, drinking, pooping etc. But they both stink!

It’s a very pungent smell (one is worse than the other) that’s quite hard to describe. I’m not sure if it’s seepage from the wound, although there have been no tears. I will ring the vets in the morning to check, but I’m just wondering if anyone’s had a similar experience and can shed some light on where the smell is coming from.

It’s so bad that even walking into the room, you’re hit with the smell. I’m aware that I shouldn’t wash them until the wounds are healed so we’re pretty much stuck with it for now.

If anyone has any ideas, I’d love to hear!

Have you had a check of the wounds for swelling, redness or heat at all?
I had no smell at all when Micah was neutered recently.
If you’re worried check the wounds as @Lady Kelly has advised and go see the vet
@Lady Kelly I’ve checked the wounds and there’s nothing abnormal besides the smell. Will check with the vet tomorrow as it doesn’t sound normal!
I would get both boars checked over by your vets. I’ve not had a bad smell post neutering, either.
I agree there should be no smell, the vet will have thoroughly cleaned and shaved and disinfected that whole area before doing the operation, after Theo was neutered he just smelled of strong antiseptic for a week not his usual lovely guinea pig smell, which really upset his ladies-in-waiting living next door. A bad smell suggests some sort of infection, definitely a vet check needed x
Thanks everyone! Ended up just being a strong antiseptic smell from the hospital which wore off pretty quickly - just me being overly cautious and worrying! Both are back to smelling like themselves again! :)

Well that is a relief!