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Does This Require Urgent Vets Today?

This might sound daft but the 2 tomes I phoned tonight he didn't seem like he wanted me to come In. Almost like he didn't think there was any point. I'm worried I'll phone and he'll say not to or that it's too late to phone now
As the emergecny vet he has a duty to provide treatment to any animal in distress. I'd say that given her condition that counts as distress.
I'm off to bed now, not ignoring you. Wishing you all the best tonight x
I Wish you all the best with your call, your poor girl is in alot of discomfort by the sound of it, my prayers out to her to get better x!
I'm assuming the reason she hasn't done any poos in a few hours is simply that she's not getting enough food into her. (Although I'm desperately trying)

Any idea as to why she keeps stretching her back legs right out at random? Uncomfortable? In pain?

I'm going to phone

That sounds like a pain response to me. I hope the vet agrees you can bring her in.
That sounds like a pain response to me. I hope the vet agrees you can bring her in.
She still hasn't done any poos. She does the motion where she looks like she will but it just a red/ Brown liquid that comes out and she goes flat whilst stretching her back legs right out
I phoned out of hours again and explained that Toast has only done 1 small poo in 7 hours and it had blood in it, that watery diharrea is coming out of her also with blood in it, She's hardly had any syringe feed water (believe me I am desperately trying to get this into her) and I'm seriously concerned this will go downhill fast. I asked for sub cut fluids as this is what she's been given before by my piggy savvy vet, when she had gut stasis.

His response to all of this was that she'll be absolutely fine if I just keep syringe feeding her and giving her water. That there's nothing else he can do for her at the practise that I'm not already doing for her at home.

He won't take her in so I'm stuck not knowing if she'll be okay until Monday or not.
Just keep her comfy, if worse comes to worse, she will be comfortable.
There is nothing you can sadly do until monday.

There is such thing as a animal A&E in my country, in cork, looking at your location there might be one around your location, maybe have a look on google and see what animals they take?
Just keep her comfy, if worse comes to worse, she will be comfortable.
There is nothing you can sadly do until monday.

There is such thing as a animal A&E in my country, in cork, looking at your location there might be one around your location, maybe have a look on google and see what animals they take?
Thanks. There is, It's my normal vets. They have a 24 hour emergency practise. My usual vet who is amazing isn't on call this weekend, It's another vet from the practise and he isn't willing to let me take her in. I don't understand why it's not like I'm not paying.

She's clearly in pain, last time this happened my vet had her in, have her sub cut fluids, extra pain relief and syringe fed her. It's helped so much but this vet doesn't seem to understand the severity of it so I'm stuck unless I take her to another practise with someone who doesn't know her history
Your vet is being ridiculous.
They are not doing their job.
Try call one more time, and be serious, you can try sue your vet if it does not do its job, it has to tend to a needy animal when its in pain.
I phoned out of hours again and explained that Toast has only done 1 small poo in 7 hours and it had blood in it, that watery diharrea is coming out of her also with blood in it, She's hardly had any syringe feed water (believe me I am desperately trying to get this into her) and I'm seriously concerned this will go downhill fast. I asked for sub cut fluids as this is what she's been given before by my piggy savvy vet, when she had gut stasis.

His response to all of this was that she'll be absolutely fine if I just keep syringe feeding her and giving her water. That there's nothing else he can do for her at the practise that I'm not already doing for her at home.

He won't take her in so I'm stuck not knowing if she'll be okay until Monday or not.

An our of hours vet refuses to see a very sick animal! This needs to be reported!
An our of hours vet refuses to see a very sick animal! This needs to be reported!
I explained everything I've said in this thread and he said there's nothing else he can do that I'm not already doing.

I think I might take her to vets for pets, she's not registered there but I think they'd take her. Is giving sub cut fluids something that a normal non piggy savvy vet could do? What else should I ask for? I'm not phoning my practise again so what should I ask for from vets for pets?
Your vet is being ridiculous.
They are not doing their job.
Try call one more time, and be serious, you can try sue your vet if it does not do its job, it has to tend to a needy animal when its in pain.
Ive phoned 3 times and each tome she's been worse.

Ive asked for her to be seen and given fluids, I've mentioned that I'm not managing to get enough feed into her or water so I'm worried she'll dehydrate.
She's pulling her fur out under her chin meaning she's in pain/discomfort.

I'm going to phone vets for pets, they're open on Sundays
Any vet can give sub cut fluids ABs and pain relief. I'd go there if you can get to see a vet. The OOH vet who sorted Holly out was a non specialist. You just have to register her at V4P and they will see her.
Any vet can give sub cut fluids ABs and pain relief. I'd go there if you can get to see a vet. The OOH vet who sorted Holly out was a non specialist. You just have to register her at V4P and they will see her.
Thank you so much. Just so I'm prepared, piggies shouldn't have steroids, are their any antibiotics/other meds they can't have? Just incase the vet I see isn't too experienced with piggies.
Thanks so much everyone for all your help last night/This morning. I've felt so helpless not being able to get vet help so you have all made a massive difference x
I've just read through all this, what a nightmare, poor Toast :(.

I agree with previous posters though, your OOH should have seen Toast, vets are required to see a patient in need. At this point, with the choice of your vet from last night or another without her history, I would certainly be going for the other!

Best of luck with V4P. We recently used one for my Crumble and I was very impressed as both vets there were very cavy savvy. So fingers crossed you'll have the same :).

Fingers crossed with some fluids she'll perk up a bit, keep us updated x
I've just read through this thread and can't believe what an awful time you have been having with Toast and the vet.

Sub cut fluids do make a big difference and , as @VickiA says you can be given syringes to give it to her yourself. Hopefully you can get on top of the pain too

Just wanted to say :hug:to you and good luck with the vet today x
Small animals sounding as sick as your girl should ALWAYS be seen! :yikes:

So sorry to hear about Toast. Hope she's seen and treated soon.
Best wishes! xx
Thank you so much. Just so I'm prepared, piggies shouldn't have steroids, are their any antibiotics/other meds they can't have? Just incase the vet I see isn't too experienced with piggies.

Just no steroids. Not sure about particular ABs but most general vets will avoid all but the safest antibiotics as almost nothing is licensed for piggies. Good luck x
Thanks so much everyone for all your help last night/This morning. I've felt so helpless not being able to get vet help so you have all made a massive difference x

We are all here to support each other. It's so scary when our fur babes are poorly and the vet is unsupportive. Hope you get seen soon at V4P x
Thanks everyone.

Vets for pets doesn't open until 11. I'm only managing to get the bare minimum into Toast, I've been up with her since Saturday afternoon and I've been trying to get as much syringe feed as possible.

She seems to be interested in peppers, Has a sniff then turns her head. She's had warm water mixed with Fibreplex along with some mashed nuggets and her gut stimulants this morning but she is really flighting so hard with the syringe. She's still not done any poos, just a tiny little bit that had blood in it.
I've just read through all this, what a nightmare, poor Toast :(.

I agree with previous posters though, your OOH should have seen Toast, vets are required to see a patient in need. At this point, with the choice of your vet from last night or another without her history, I would certainly be going for the other!

Best of luck with V4P. We recently used one for my Crumble and I was very impressed as both vets there were very cavy savvy. So fingers crossed you'll have the same :).

Fingers crossed with some fluids she'll perk up a bit, keep us updated x
Thank you that's reassuring about V4P, I suppose the must see piggies a lot from the pet shop so they should be okay. X
I've just read through this thread and can't believe what an awful time you have been having with Toast and the vet.

Sub cut fluids do make a big difference and , as @VickiA says you can be given syringes to give it to her yourself. Hopefully you can get on top of the pain too

Just wanted to say :hug:to you and good luck with the vet today x
Thank you. :nod:she did had fluids last time she had gut stasis and it really did make a difference. I didn't do it myself though it was while she was at the vets, I'm not sure I could do it myself. Xx
So I phoned vets for pets who said unless I register with them and unregister with my vets they won't be able to see Toast. They also said they'd need to email my vets to find out her medical history. And it would be s £70 chargefor the appointment as I'm not their client

My vets are closed today so they wouldn't get any into from them today anyway...

So what do I do
If they are right (not sure) thenits back to phoning for emergency help at your own vets. And in the meantime just get as much fluid and nutrition into poor Beans as you can. I'm so sorry for your predicament
Oh dear, what an awful time you're having :( The people who should be helping you seem unable to do any more than shrug their shoulders! That's really awful :( Have you tried VetsNow? They're a specialist emergency vet. We've taken many pigs there late at night and didn't need to register! Of course it does come at a cost though, and I'm not sure how close your nearest branch is.
Good luck! I'll say a little prayer for Toast tonight and keep my fingers crossed. x
Our emergency cover is also provided by Vets Now. It's expensive but I've been impressed each time.
Do you mean expensive as in for consultation or even for meds/treatment etc? I phoned and they're £92 to be seen, they didn't mention anything else though