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Guinea Pig has a whistle like noise to her breathing at times?


New Born Pup
Jun 7, 2023
Reaction score
Columbus, GA
Hi! Please excuse if I sound panicky during this, this just started happening today and I'm so scared for my little 4 year old baby. Her name is Candy, she started having a slight whistle to her breathing (which she's breathing normally, no wheezing) and has been a bit sneezy today (accompanied by little snorts I guess you could call it? She's puffing out her nose like we blow our noses). Candy has been bright eyed and active all day and eating and drinking normally. She doesn't feel hot and she's average weight and I heard no issues in her lungs.

Some suggested she had something up her nose but I am genuinely terrified she's getting sick. If so, I plan to rush her to our nearest exotic vet ASAP! Any ideas on what's going on? I planned a vet visit for Thursday anyway even if she's not sick at all.

Thank you!
Welcome to the forum

A whistle in the nose is generally an obstruction - from hay dust for example. A sneeze should clear it. Piggy airways are narrow so anything like that produces a sound. It shouldn’t last more than a few hours if she can sneeze it out.
If it does last more than a few hours or reoccurs, then do see a vet.
Check your hay and bedding is dust extracted.

Any crackling or noisy breathing from the chest is more of a sign of a URI and always needs a vet check.
Welcome to the forum. I hope it clears soon. But if not good luck at the vets.
Welcome to the forum

A whistle in the nose is generally an obstruction - from hay dust for example. A sneeze should clear it. Piggy airways are narrow so anything like that produces a sound. It shouldn’t last more than a few hours if she can sneeze it out.
If it does last more than a few hours or reoccurs, then do see a vet.
Check your hay and bedding is dust extracted.

Any crackling or noisy breathing from the chest is more of a sign of a URI and always needs a vet check.
I got up this morning and went to check on her immediately and she doesn't have the whistle anymore. She was constantly grooming her face yesterday and sneezing and snorting so I guess all she had was something up her nose (She's the kind of piggy to shove her face directly into her food). I'll keep monitoring her all of today but so far, she seems like her usual self again!