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Head tilt/leaning to one side?


New Born Pup
Apr 1, 2021
Reaction score
Hi all 🙋‍♀️ Rushed my poor little guy to the vet today, noticed he was severely tilting his head to one side and seemed a little unbalanced on his feet. The vet said it is most likely an ear infection (but did note a few other things it could be) and has prescribed him with Baytril & Metacam. Since returning from the vet (6hrs ago) he has nibbled on some herbs but has left the majority of his dinner (not like himself at all!) And hasn't left his hidey house at all. His head tilt seems to have improved a small amount but he still looks a bit unsteady and a little depressed. He's just sat in there kind of staring and squanched up with his fur puffed. It's really making me worry 😥 Has anyone else ever dealt with this before? If it's an ear infection how long should it take to see improvement?

His name is Egg and he is 4 years old, before today he never really had any health problems besides hay poke.
I’m sorry to hear he is unwell.

It will take the antibiotics a few days to kick in but that jointly with the painkillers, if it is an ear infection then hopefully he will be feeling better soon.

I would suggest you switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily. This will enable you to monitor his hay intake more closely and allow you to step in with syringe feeding if his hay intake is reducing due to being unwell, and consequently he loses weight.

I am very sorry. It will take at least a day for the antibiotic to start kicking in and then several days to build up but the painkiller should work more quickly.

We have a new, very detailed practical feeding/medicating and support care guide with lots of how-to tips, pictures and some videos if you need to monitor the food intake and step in with support feeding: All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

Fingers firmly crossed that it is an ear infection and that the head tilt improves again. You have done the best thing you could in that kind of situation - see a vet as quickly as possible.
Sorry to hear about Egg. Bertie had an ear infection last year. He was struggling to eat properly eating some hard veg but not much hay and I noticed his teeth were wearing unevenly. Head tilt occasionally. Vet ruled out dental problem and eventually I opted for a CT scan which showed a chronic middle ear infection. He was prescribed Eradia and Marbocyl alongside Metacam and within a few days he was much perkier. I hope your little Egg starts to feel better now he’s on antibiotics x