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HELP! Sprained guinea pig


New Born Pup
Sep 1, 2019
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Two days ago, my guinea pig's (F) foot got stuck in between the cage bars. Now she's limping and holding it up whenever she lies down. I think it's a sprain because she can still put some weight on it without crying out and when I checked it, it didn't seem to have any broken bones nor looked broken/bent in a painful angle.

We can't visit a vet because of the quarantine here in the Philippines, plus we're in a remote area. One forum said they gave their piggie Calpol(?), which we don't have here. Instead, we gave her the generic version—paracetamol oral drops for infants. We give her 0.2ml every 12 hours, as said by other forums. We also placed her in a small cage so she wouldn't move around as much.

But I'm really worried because she's always fluffed up and lying down. She hasn't touched her water since yesterday, even if we adjusted it. I even rubbed some mango on it in the hopes it could keep her interested. She's been eating her hay though and ate some of her food. She hasn't finished her dinner though, which is why I got worried.

I am weighing her everday. So far, she's at her normal weight (around 700g).

Is it normal for them to be lethargic and fluffed up? Should I give her other medications? It's just been a day or so since her foot got stuck, so maybe I shouldn't be so worried? It's just that before this she was so active and happy and now it hurts to see her lying down and in pain.

Please help us and reccomend other options to help her heal. Thanks so much :(
Unfortunately being puffed up is a sign of pain. There’s not really anything you can do apart from having her seen by a vet. Paracetamol isn’t something I know to be used with guinea pigs either.

We don’t recommend home treatments here so I don’t know that you’d be recommended any other medicine. Are all vets closed?

As for not drinking water, they will only drink enough. Most is gotten from their veg. How much did she weigh yesterday compared to today?
Hello, thanks for replying!

Unfortunately, there aren't any vets here :( I'm in the furthermost part of a province and I can't really go to the cities because of the strict checkpoints :(

What usually is recommended for guinea pigs with leg injury? I've seen other medications like Metacam, would that be better?

Fortunately, there wasn't much difference in her weight, around just 5g difference. She's eating now, which I'm super relieved about.

I'll try to research more on what can be done :( Any suggestions would be appreciated <3 Will update soon
Where would you get the metacam from? The issue is not being able to calculate the correct dosage. I’d speak to a vet and see what they say, even if you can’t get there.
Where would you get the metacam from? The issue is not being able to calculate the correct dosage. I’d speak to a vet and see what they say, even if you can’t get there.

I see, thank you!
Where in the Philippines are you located?

Hello! Am in the south part of Batangas. It's a very rural place, so there's not much vets located. There's not even a proper hospital, only clinics.
Hello! Am in the south part of Batangas. It's a very rural place, so there's not much vets located. There's not even a proper hospital, only clinics.
Please do a Google search for vets in Batangas. I just did it and there were loads of results. I'm originally from the Philippines. Also, search for vets in Facebook or ask there, people might be able to direct you where you can go.
Please do speak to a vet for advice on medication and dosage. We would never give paracetamol to a piggy unless a vet had recommended it.
Please do a Google search for vets in Batangas. I just did it and there were loads of results. I'm originally from the Philippines. Also, search for vets in Facebook or ask there, people might be able to direct you where you can go.

Batangas is a very big region. We don't even live in a city. We are just a town with roughly 10,000 people. We don't even have actual roads on some places. It's GCQ here and we're not allowed to go outside without a pass that can only be obtained if you're going to the hospital or in the grocery. There are multiple checkpoints in each barangay. They are ordered to check on everyone going in and out and they are tasked to make sure that you have BOTH quarantine pass and travel pass. If not, you are not allowed to pass and are instructed to go back to your house immediately.

Thank you for your advice but we've already asked around and there's no available vet here. We also searched Google and Facebook multiple times before opening this forum.
:agr: I would just leave it be and hope she heals well and it’s just a sprain. Don’t give her any human medicine unless it’s been suggested by a vet.

Are vet visits not considered essential travel/allowable? I’d still try and speak to a vet even if they’re far away, see what they say.
:agr: I would just leave it be and hope she heals well and it’s just a sprain. Don’t give her any human medicine unless it’s been suggested by a vet.

Are vet visits not considered essential travel/allowable? I’d still try and speak to a vet even if they’re far away, see what they say.
In the city (Manila) and other places I know (like Cavite and Laguna), vets are still in operation for emergencies. I've seen news feeds in my Facebook that vet pages and animal charities are still in operation, even doing free spay and neuter some of them just the other day. That's why I suggested to search in Facebook for pages or groups that might help him/her, but there probably isn't really near where the OP live. 🤷‍♀️
In the city (Manila) and other places I know (like Cavite and Laguna), vets are still in operation for emergencies. I've seen news feeds in my Facebook that vet pages and animal charities are still in operation, even doing free spay and neuter some of them just the other day. That's why I suggested to search in Facebook for pages or groups that might help him/her, but there probably isn't really near where the OP live. 🤷‍♀️
It makes sense that if you’re in a remote part there may not be any, especially ones who are experienced with guinea pigs. But I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to call them up and see if they suggest anything. Even if she can’t get any medication at least she’s spoken to the vet. But it’s a difficult situation to be in nonetheless. Frustrating 😦
It makes sense that if you’re in a remote part there may not be any, especially ones who are experienced with guinea pigs. But I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to call them up and see if they suggest anything. Even if she can’t get any medication at least she’s spoken to the vet. But it’s a difficult situation to be in nonetheless. Frustrating 😦

Thank you for understanding. I'll try to contact more vets and see if they reply. But for now, I'll observe her more. She seems better now though! Not as fluffed up but hoping for the best! She's a very strong and brave piggie :)
In the city (Manila) and other places I know (like Cavite and Laguna), vets are still in operation for emergencies. I've seen news feeds in my Facebook that vet pages and animal charities are still in operation, even doing free spay and neuter some of them just the other day. That's why I suggested to search in Facebook for pages or groups that might help him/her, but there probably isn't really near where the OP live. 🤷‍♀️

Cavite and Laguna are also cities. And yes, we really don't have any vets near us. But we'll try to contact other vets and try even the ones that don't specialize in guinea pigs just to see their perspective. Thank you for your help!
Cavite and Laguna are also cities. And yes, we really don't have any vets near us. But we'll try to contact other vets and try even the ones that don't specialize in guinea pigs just to see their perspective. Thank you for your help!
Good luck and please update us. 👍
All the best. Hopefully she makes a full recovery. But don’t give her paracetamol again.

We’d love to see photos of your piggies 😁