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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
East Midlands
Hi guys!
Some of you may know from my other threads that I've been wanting to bring Bear and Lottie inside from their hutch for the winter, And that i am hoping Bear and Lottie will take to Anya and Aurora in hopes for a group in the future :)

As everyone inside is in C&C Cages this was a bit of a big undertaking that involved:
Moving everyone out of the animal room, Hamsters included,
Dismantling the existing C&C cages,
Mentally moving the setup's around so i can fit everyone in a more space effective manner,
Measuring up and attaching the new Plastic Table cloths as bases for the C&C cages.
Mantling the new C&C setups
and then moving everyone back in!

Luckily i managed to finish this up tonight as i set up the hamsters and Baby's cage last week.

So everyone is set up, I've brought Bear and Lottie inside, and so far its looking.... OK ! :)

First impression of everyone was interesting.
Anya was giving Bear a bit of grief through the bars,
I had a horrible moment of wondering if they can cause serious damage through the bars, But nothing became of it :)

There's been a lot of loud chattering, and Squealing from almost everyone involved, Mainly Anya, at Bear and Lottie,
And Lottie at Aurora.

This doesn't surprise me as Aurora and Lottie are the two lower ranking of each pair already so they are probably feeling each other out a little.
And Anya is very headstrong, so I'm imagine she's giving them all a bit of hassle for it.
She's giving Bear a lot of noise which surprised me a bit :)

For around twenty minutes we were OK, lots of noise but nothing too strong from anyone.
So i gave everyone some Hay to eat,
Everyone is happy eating their hay for about 10 minutes, so i gave them their veg for the night, this is usually the veg time and Baby was being VERY VOCAL for her dinner, which made me smile :)

That was around Twenty Minutes ago now and I've been sitting with them, we've had a lot of noise,
Lottie is interacting through the bars a lot by sticking her nose right through, Aurora isn't sure what to make of this and usually sniffs her and chats to her a bit then leaves, Anya gives her some grief but everyone goes back to their food.

Bear's being a bit off with everyone, Chattering at everyone periodically including Lottie,
But there's no nastiness as per so far.

A few minutes ago everyone got a bit loud, Chattering at each other, Bear was rumble strutting around the center of the cage and Lottie didn't like it so was Teeth chattering at him.
The girls got put off by this and Aurora jumped on top of the Igloo which she has never done before!
Everyone has calmed back down now through and is eating :)
Its been about an hour in total now :)
So far so good. :)
Bear is surprising me the most, Normally he's so laid back :)

I thought I'd keep a small diary of how their introductions go and then Bonding in a few weeks time :)
That way everything is together and i can keep track of behavior :)

I Have noticed Baby is making an odd noise,
Shes been looking round a lot, Which is understandable, she knows something is going on but isn't a part of it herself as her cage isn't next to the others because she fights with Anya.
But she's sort of Bumbling? Or Purring in a low rapid way?
I've never heard this noise before and I'm going to look it up and see if i can take a sound video of it, I know Baby has a very deep voice for a Guinea Pig, as the vet noticed once. But this is a first! :)
Hi guys!
Some of you may know from my other threads that I've been wanting to bring Bear and Lottie inside from their hutch for the winter, And that i am hoping Bear and Lottie will take to Anya and Aurora in hopes for a group in the future :)

As everyone inside is in C&C Cages this was a bit of a big undertaking that involved:
Moving everyone out of the animal room, Hamsters included,
Dismantling the existing C&C cages,
Mentally moving the setup's around so i can fit everyone in a more space effective manner,
Measuring up and attaching the new Plastic Table cloths as bases for the C&C cages.
Mantling the new C&C setups
and then moving everyone back in!

Luckily i managed to finish this up tonight as i set up the hamsters and Baby's cage last week.

So everyone is set up, I've brought Bear and Lottie inside, and so far its looking.... OK ! :)

First impression of everyone was interesting.
Anya was giving Bear a bit of grief through the bars,
I had a horrible moment of wondering if they can cause serious damage through the bars, But nothing became of it :)

There's been a lot of loud chattering, and Squealing from almost everyone involved, Mainly Anya, at Bear and Lottie,
And Lottie at Aurora.

This doesn't surprise me as Aurora and Lottie are the two lower ranking of each pair already so they are probably feeling each other out a little.
And Anya is very headstrong, so I'm imagine she's giving them all a bit of hassle for it.
She's giving Bear a lot of noise which surprised me a bit :)

For around twenty minutes we were OK, lots of noise but nothing too strong from anyone.
So i gave everyone some Hay to eat,
Everyone is happy eating their hay for about 10 minutes, so i gave them their veg for the night, this is usually the veg time and Baby was being VERY VOCAL for her dinner, which made me smile :)

That was around Twenty Minutes ago now and I've been sitting with them, we've had a lot of noise,
Lottie is interacting through the bars a lot by sticking her nose right through, Aurora isn't sure what to make of this and usually sniffs her and chats to her a bit then leaves, Anya gives her some grief but everyone goes back to their food.

Bear's being a bit off with everyone, Chattering at everyone periodically including Lottie,
But there's no nastiness as per so far.

A few minutes ago everyone got a bit loud, Chattering at each other, Bear was rumble strutting around the center of the cage and Lottie didn't like it so was Teeth chattering at him.
The girls got put off by this and Aurora jumped on top of the Igloo which she has never done before!
Everyone has calmed back down now through and is eating :)
Its been about an hour in total now :)
So far so good. :)
Bear is surprising me the most, Normally he's so laid back :)

I thought I'd keep a small diary of how their introductions go and then Bonding in a few weeks time :)
That way everything is together and i can keep track of behavior :)

I Have noticed Baby is making an odd noise,
Shes been looking round a lot, Which is understandable, she knows something is going on but isn't a part of it herself as her cage isn't next to the others because she fights with Anya.
But she's sort of Bumbling? Or Purring in a low rapid way?
I've never heard this noise before and I'm going to look it up and see if i can take a sound video of it, I know Baby has a very deep voice for a Guinea Pig, as the vet noticed once. But this is a first! :)

It sounds about par. Bonding and dominance sort-outs happen in rounds and the hierarchy is worked out from top downwards between the two leaders.
It depends on the piggies whether it is by teeth chattering or vocal or mounting/chasing. Teeth chattering is often in defence; a signal to keep the distance. Sows rumble/rumble strut too; if it is very pronounced, it is more of a front that cannot be backed up.
You may find this guide here helpful: Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
So it's been a crazy few days!
Thought I'd update everyone how it's been going :)

On the second day of being side by side
Bear, the naughty thing, tried to nip anya through the bars, luckily he couldn't because of the squares but Anya was a bit put out by it,
It starts a session of Rumblestrutting and Teeth chattering, as per usual :)

For the past few days it's just been the occasional noisy-ness a few times a day,

They've haven't seemed to calm down that much but they're not constantly trying to attack each other either, which I'm taking as a good sign,
It's just a lot of strutting, rumbling and chattering occasionally.

I'm glad I'm thinking of waiting till I'm back from my holiday before introducing them on neutral territory, I'd be out of my mind thinking they're going to fight while I'm not there to keep an eye on them,
Mum will be there but I'd still stress!
Okay like a mini update on my plans for these guys,
I've just been on holiday for a week and now I'm back I'm thinking of when to let them meet with no bars,

I've decided on doing it this Saturday after I get back from work
That way I can over see them all Saturday after work and also all Sunday for how they are going
I could do it tomorrow and watch them on wednesday but Baby's having some bonding on wednesday and I figure if there's dominance going on in the group that might not make for the most settled welcome to a newly bonded Baby and new pig and I don't want anything to spook Baby for this.
So I figure that gives them a few days to get used to each other before I do the girls and Bear.

Since I've been back they've been very quiet
No hassle through the bars anymore and when they see each other It's just a bit of noseing so everyone seems more settled now :)
Okay like a mini update on my plans for these guys,
I've just been on holiday for a week and now I'm back I'm thinking of when to let them meet with no bars,

I've decided on doing it this Saturday after I get back from work
That way I can over see them all Saturday after work and also all Sunday for how they are going
I could do it tomorrow and watch them on wednesday but Baby's having some bonding on wednesday and I figure if there's dominance going on in the group that might not make for the most settled welcome to a newly bonded Baby and new pig and I don't want anything to spook Baby for this.
So I figure that gives them a few days to get used to each other before I do the girls and Bear.

Since I've been back they've been very quiet
No hassle through the bars anymore and when they see each other It's just a bit of noseing so everyone seems more settled now :)
Sorry if I've misunderstood, but I wouldn't just remove the adjoining grid. Getting on through the bars is very different from being in each others' territory. (again, sorry if I've misunderstood)
Sorry if I've misunderstood, but I wouldn't just remove the adjoining grid. Getting on through the bars is very different from being in each others' territory. (again, sorry if I've misunderstood)

No that's okay
I'm planning to introduce them on neutral terratory on Saturday
Theyve lived side by side for about two weeks now so they could meet and I went on holiday and wanted to bond them when I get back
But I won't just be removing the seperate bars
I'll do it properly in a seperate space,
They were a bit stand offish to start but now they are getting on better I feel they are ready to meet properly :)
No that's okay
I'm planning to introduce them on neutral terratory on Saturday
Theyve lived side by side for about two weeks now so they could meet and I went on holiday and wanted to bond them when I get back
But I won't just be removing the seperate bars
I'll do it properly in a seperate space,
They were a bit stand offish to start but now they are getting on better I feel they are ready to meet properly :)
Oh good...I hope it works out - sounds like it probably will. :tu:
Okay guys it's happening
Ive just set up the area they will be meeting in
It's pretty big,
5x4 C & C cubes,

I'm re reading the binding thread and my partners going to help me with moral support :)

I'll keep some updates going
By any chance should I have hay in the area Al ready or wait a little bit?

It seems to have gone to plan!
After a bit of standing off between each other they have settled down for the past hour and a half
I've put them back into a huge c and c cage now and everyone seems okay!
It was a very anxious day on Sunday
At every noise I was checking them like a flash!

I think it's gone well,
They aren't squaring up to each other anymore
But they haven't been snuggling together as far as I've seen,

Although it's a huge cage at the moment so maybe that's why,

Bear, Anya and Aurora did all eat hay from the same pile last night while I was giving them dinner, it was very sweet because it's the first time I've seen them stand next to Bear and not squeal and run away,
Anya even sniffed Bears face and it was okay.

I'm almost postive the bonding has worked now! And I'm so happy! :) :)
The antics of these guys makes me laugh!

Bears just had a hiss fit because non of the girls would accept his advances and has decided to let everyone know how annoyed he is by flipping over a plastic igloo!

All the girls have come had a good look at it like 'ooh look at this, he's throwing stuff now'!
Haha, Bear thought he'd have all the ladies he could want but it's not working out that way, poor guy :) :)