Introducing Guinea Pig!


New Born Pup
Aug 25, 2019
Reaction score
Hi! I'm new here, i adopted 2 guinea pigs, they're brothers and they're always been together, they get along pretty well and they have fun together, but like a week ago i adopted their father and the introduction was going pretty well they were even sharing the cage and everything without annoyimg eachother, the new guy tried to mount them a few times during 3 days give or take but then he calmed down.

Now, like 2 days ago they were all runing in my living room playing and stuff like that, and out of nowhere the father fought and bit the elder son, so i separated them because apparently the elder son was being violent with the dad, and now yesterday the dad who always get along with the younger guinea pig, out of nowhere he jumped onto the younger one and bit him really hard i went to emergency with him asap because i was bleeding bad, so my vet told that would be god to castrate the 3 of them, but i don't want to do that unless that is extremely necessary. I've heard recomendations, people have told me to give them more space like a playground connected to their cage, others have told me to adopt an older an bigger guinea pig and stuff like that, but i just need to know what to do because i really want them to get along since i was planning to adop 2 more.

Can anyone help me please
Hello and welcome to the forum
sadly Boar trios don’t work and castration makes no difference at all to relations between boars only stops them producing babies. Boars are best kept as a pair.
You need to separate the boar that’s causing problems and find him a Male friend that he chooses and likes by boar dating at a rescue or get him castrated then find him a female companion. please read the info on his link about boars and their relationships A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
There’s lots of info there and hopefully you will be able to make informed decisions as what’s best for your piggies, good luck!
Hi, thank you!
But i have friends with 3 boars perfecly normal 🤔, what happens if i get another 2 boars but older ones (the ones that i have are around 9 months) and i've read that if a get an older boar that will stop, is that right?
Castration will make no difference.

It is great some of your friends have boar trios however having been on this forum for ten years now I can safely say the majority of boar trios do not work and result in fights like yours... we have many people joining the forum because their boar trio after peacefully working while young has descended into bloody fights in the teenage years...

The only option you have is to separate, boar groups rarely work and yours has already started, adding more could result in life threatening injuries I am afraid. No amount of space will help a trio once blood is drawn, I am sorry this is not the news you wish to hear.
Adding an older boar to the mix will not solve anything and would be extremely irresponsible

This forum is littered with boar trio issues as guinea pig bonds are widely misunderstood.
As said above, boars in more than a pair rarely work. Even more so when any are still in the teenage phase.

As advised, separate the dad from the sons and find him a friend. If there’s a rescue near you that does boar dating that would be the ideal way to do it.

Hopefully the other two. It’s will be ok together now.