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Is Hay Rattle/Yellow Rattle poisonous to guinea pigs?


New Born Pup
Jan 11, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all,

With it being winter, we're using a lot more hay than usual for our guinea pigs to use as bedding and also to eat as they quite enjoy it. The only problem is that the best hay we can find has tonnes of Hay Rattle/Yellow Rattle seeds in it (literally in every handful of hay) and we're unsure whether this is poisonous to them or not. If anyone could advise it'd be appreciated loads, thanks!
Welcome to the forum, sorry have no idea but would err on side of caution, where do you get your hay from?
Hi all,

With it being winter, we're using a lot more hay than usual for our guinea pigs to use as bedding and also to eat as they quite enjoy it. The only problem is that the best hay we can find has tonnes of Hay Rattle/Yellow Rattle seeds in it (literally in every handful of hay) and we're unsure whether this is poisonous to them or not. If anyone could advise it'd be appreciated loads, thanks!
Did you find the answer to your question?
I have the same query!
I would try and pull as much out as possible. This plant is commonly found in crops such as hay.