New Guinea Pig! Gender...?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 23, 2015
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Sup guys! I'm getting a guinea pig after the holidays--happy christmas/hanukkah/kwanza/etc!--and I just want to know: is there any better gender, female or male? Please don't bombard me with comments like "They're the same" or "It doesn't matter" because I will love my piggy so much no matter what, I just want to know about any personality changes, Like females are more skittish than males or something (not saying this is true, just an example). Thanks so much! Reply ASAP!
Sup guys! I'm getting a guinea pig after the holidays--happy christmas/hanukkah/kwanza/etc!--and I just want to know: is there any better gender, female or male? Please don't bombard me with comments like "They're the same" or "It doesn't matter" because I will love my piggy so much no matter what, I just want to know about any personality changes, Like females are more skittish than males or something (not saying this is true, just an example). Thanks so much! Reply ASAP!
I've only had females and have seen a pretty wide range of personalities (from really bold to really skittish), so I think a lot of it is down to the individual. We ended up with girls because I was more concerned about bonding boars that I was about bonding sows. My understanding was that boars can be pickier with who they want to live with or can be more prone to fights/falling out. I had also owned both male and female mice/rats in the past and found that the girls had less odor and were less apt to spray or mark territory (though I think this is less true for guinea pigs than some other rodents.) Things to watch with girls... mood swings! Sows go into heat every 2 weeks or so and may get bossy/dominant/moody around that time for a few days. It doesn't really affect how they behave with me, but it definitely affects how they behave with each other and I can definitely see when someone is in heat. But on the whole, all my girls have been great pets with very different personalities... I had one that was very hyper and active, one that was a huge lap pet with me but extremely bossy and dominant with the other pigs, one who is very submissive and cautious but loves to be patted and constantly gives kisses, and one who absolutely loves people and will go 'visiting' with all the humans by walking down the couch and spending time with everyone sitting there. My only concern with getting a female would be, depending on where you are getting her from, making sure she isn't pregnant when she comes home. Some stores/breeders don't do a good job of separating the genders and you can wind up with 'bonus pigs' if you unwittingly bring home a pregnant female. Hopefully someone with more experience with boars can fill you in more on the male gender and what to expect there!
:wel: to the forum !

Guinea pigs have unique personalities . A good way to make sure you get a bonded pair is by adopting a pair from a reputable rescue . Do you live in the UK?

Are you happy to add your location to your profile ? We have members from all over the world and it is really helpful to know whether you are based in the UK/US – or elsewhere. Having an idea of your Country + location can sometimes help us tailor our advice .

Here is a link to help you do this …
Hmm I think girls and boys are sort of the same to an extent, mine are at least, they all have their own little personalities going on and their own little quirks :) However you do get more shows of dominance with boys than you do girls :) I have 7 boars and 3 sows. It depends how they were treated before hand.

Also it's best to get two guinea's rather than one and always make sure you have the space and money for them :) I'm sure others will come and post when they are online.
I agree with @Kerrie74 every piggy has their own personality. The forum is full of guinea pig owner starter guides which may be of use to you so you know how much work caring for piggies are :)
Sup guys! I'm getting a guinea pig after the holidays--happy christmas/hanukkah/kwanza/etc!--and I just want to know: is there any better gender, female or male? Please don't bombard me with comments like "They're the same" or "It doesn't matter" because I will love my piggy so much no matter what, I just want to know about any personality changes, Like females are more skittish than males or something (not saying this is true, just an example). Thanks so much! Reply ASAP!

Please do not get just one guinea pig - they are group animals and are not wired to live on their own; they depend on round the clock stimulation from company of their own kind! The recommended minimal cage size is the same whether you have got two guinea pigs or just one - it is 2x4 foot.

As to the pros and cons of genders you may find the other link helpful. It discusses the issue in detail. Ultimately, it IS down to your own preferences, as characters in guinea pigs are so diverse and not really tied to the gender.

Why not contact a rescue if you have got one in your reach because they know their charges' personalities and see whether you can find a pair you instinctively click with? From our recommended rescues you can also be sure that any guinea pigs are totally healthy, well matched and guaranteed not pregnant.It is by far the safest way of starting your journey into guinea pigs.
Boars, sows or mixed pairs; babies or adults?
Recommended UK rescues: Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator
Recommended rescues in other countries (courtesy of Guinea Lynx): Guinea Lynx :: Rescue Organizations
it really does depend on the individual piggy and their personality. a single piggy will be more nervous thought whatever gender because they are not made to live alone. so i'd advise adopting two so they have companionship :)
Well, sows are known to settle better together and have less fallouts. Boars are known a little more rowdy and are harder to settle together. Though it really is the personality of the pig, there definitely can be nice boar pairs that can get along. As for sows, some may be a little more rowdy than others, so its really just personality. It's up to you really, but there really is no huge difference between boar and sow personalities :)
I have two boars and I will occasionaly hear them rumble strutting, but for the most part they get along and are very calm. :)
Guys, please don't bombard me with things like YOU NEED TWO PIGGIES! Yes, I know! My sister and I are both getting one! We have it covered! Please JUST answer my original question. Thank you!
To be fair, you did only mention getting one guinea pig.... how were the others supposed to know that you have a sister and that she is getting one too?
If I were a new owner, I would be grateful for any extra advice.
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