Seperate Cages But Same Floor Time?


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 23, 2017
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I have four guinea pigs, and they are in pairs in different cages. I started off with the two and adopted one more which didn't get along with the two original ones so I bought a fourth one to keep the adopted one company. I'm wondering if although they are in different cages, could I attempt to have them all together during floor time - the original pair are approximately 8 months old, the adopted one is about a 11 months old and the last one is maybe 3-4 months old (all boars). Any idea if it's possible or even worth it to have the four interact together during floor time? Even though the adopted one didn't get along with the other two at first, his behavior has changed a lot for the best since he got accustomed to his new home and got a buddy.
Sorry, but I am afraid they can't be together during floor time.
For guinea pigs there is no such thing as 'playtime' with other guinea pigs.
If they are not already bonded, then every time they are put together they have to work to establish a hierarchy - this is especially true for boars.
So putting them together would b stressful for the piggies and most likely lead to fights.
It could also stress the relationship your pairs have with each other.

I just wouldn't take the risk.
It sounds like you have done everything right and managed to establish 2 well bonded pairs, so I would stick with that.
Don't do it! Lol. I had my two newer boys out for floor time, and thought it would be nice if they could SEE the terrible trio, so I loosened off the correx so they could chat through the grids. All was going well, lots of sniffing and happy noises......until Chicco, who likes to exert his dominance at the best of times, decided that the on-going quest to make sure Groucho stays firmly at the bottom of the pecking order, needed to be stepped up a notch to show the new guys how tough he is. The next 5 minutes was the closest they've come to needing split up, with chattering, yawning, lunging, get the picture. I quickly put the correx back up, and draped a towel across the cage so that Chicco and Groucho couldn't see each other for 10 minutes or so. When I took it down, and threw in some pellets, all was back to normal. So in conclusion, and to repeat my earlier plea, Don't do it!! Lol
Don't do it! Lol. I had my two newer boys out for floor time, and thought it would be nice if they could SEE the terrible trio, so I loosened off the correx so they could chat through the grids. All was going well, lots of sniffing and happy noises......until Chicco, who likes to exert his dominance at the best of times, decided that the on-going quest to make sure Groucho stays firmly at the bottom of the pecking order, needed to be stepped up a notch to show the new guys how tough he is. The next 5 minutes was the closest they've come to needing split up, with chattering, yawning, lunging, get the picture. I quickly put the correx back up, and draped a towel across the cage so that Chicco and Groucho couldn't see each other for 10 minutes or so. When I took it down, and threw in some pellets, all was back to normal. So in conclusion, and to repeat my earlier plea, Don't do it! Lol
Hi there have I understood you have 3 boars living together? And then a pair? 🌈
@CTWC - Reenie was indeed one of the lucky ones and had a boar trio (although hasn’t been on the forum in almost a year so I’m not sure you are going to get any reply) but if I remember correctly, said that they were never as settled as the pair were.

We have very few boar trio success stories on here I’m afraid.
I seem to remember Reenie's trio did fall out in the end. I might be confusing her with someone else but there have been a quite a few trio fall outs over the years on the forum.
@CTWC - Reenie was indeed one of the lucky ones and had a boar trio (although hasn’t been on the forum in almost a year so I’m not sure you are going to get any reply) but if I remember correctly, said that they were never as settled as the pair were.

We have very few boar trio success stories on here I’m afraid.
Thank you for that I keep hoping 🌈
Is that enough social interaction though? 🤔
In my opinion yes. I've got a pair of boars who live together and hardly interact, they have a large cage and live at an end each occasionally crossing in the middle. I've got 4 single boars who live in two divided pairs. The 5 & 6 year old lived together for 2.5 years and then had a massive fight, resulting in some nasty injuries. Neither has liked any prospective cage mate over the years but they 'talk' to each other and sleep close to the divider a lot. They are both relaxed, the tension has gone out of their lives not having to share. The other divided pair are that way by design. 2 difficult boars with different long back stories I won't go into here but 1 was tried with 9 potential suitors last year. It's not my ideal but they are happy relaxed piggies. We can only do our best!
Trying to put your 3 back together endangers the relationship of the pair and risks you having 3 single boars. Having the single next to them with company through the divider is in my opinion an acceptable compromise. The other option is to take the single boar dating to a reputable rescue and find him a friend he choses to live with.
Is that enough social interaction though? 🤔

Absolutely yes!

I have two single piggies (both 18 months old) who were originally together but had a huge fight. They are perfectly happy with side by side interaction between the bars and have lived like that for over a year.
I also have two 6 year olds who are a bonded pair and live above my two single boys.
When one of my older boys passes away and the other is left alone, I will have to move him down to ground level to be alongside my two current singles. It is rather unlikely I will be successful in bonding two of them together due to their characters so I am facing having three single piggies.
Is that enough social interaction though? 🤔
As you spotted- we had almost a year of side by side living with 2 boys. They did well together as long as they had their own space. We are considering what we do next for Hamish, he currently has 2 bonded foster piggies as neighbours, with a grid divide. Hamish is enjoying the piggie company & interactions. The only down side at the moment is when the fosters decide to have a dominance/ humptastic moment & Hamish lies low to indicate he is not a threat & occasionally joins in the submission squeaks.

Your single boy will be fine. Give him time & he will show you himself.