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What made you happy today?

After a lovely 5 days with my daughter today I cleaned all five piggy cages, washed all the fleece, line dried it and packed it away. I've also cooked enough curry for 2 days leaving tomorrow free to do whatever I feel like doing. Having seen the weather forecast that could be a jigsaw puzzle rather than a walk!
Tomorrow morning. So end of term drink will be commiseration or celebration! Trying to take my mind off it but failing and managing in almost equal measure 😁
Good luck. It’s over now. I hope you have a positive outcome. Is this for a new role in September?
It’s now 6 weeks and 2 days until retirement and a new adventure in life’s journey.
We’ve spent a couple of days in Yorkshire doing some more work in readiness for the move.
Space now identified for future piggies

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Wow that’s brilliant ! Those 6 wks and 2 days will whizz by 🥰