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What To Do About Guinea Pig Nail Growing Back?

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New Born Pup
Dec 9, 2016
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Hi all!

This is my first post here. So I just had my guinea pigs boarded when I went away and they did a courtesy nail trim, and cut Daisy's nail too short- down to the toe :( (which I understand happens as I've done it myself) I took her back to get checked out and the vet told me to just watch it. I can't tell if it seems swollen now, or if it just looks weird because there's no toenail. It also almost looks like the skin on the bottom is coming up around the nail and growing up too much? I don't know I'm probably just freaking myself out because the vet said to just clean it until it grows back and watch for signs of infection. Does anyone have experience with this? Will the nail grow past the skin with no problem?

Ps it's not hot to the touch and no redder than her other toes in my opinion but not sure if I shoul worry!
I've not had a nail cut quite this short, but I'm sure the nail will grow through. I would keep an eye out for infection as you are doing. You'll spot any problems early and can whisk her off to the vet if there is any sign of trouble.
My Edward somehow managed to rip out his entire toenail a few months ago and it looked exactly like that.

I had it checked by the vet as my piggies were due to have their nails trimmed anyway. Thankfully there was no infection and she advised me just to keep an eye on it. I did bathe it with warm boiled salt water a couple of times a day to begin with just to keep it clean.

Edwards nail is finally starting to grow back but it has taken a few months just for a mm to grow!

My vet did warn me at the time that the nail may grow back deformed or may be not at all but she did assure me it would cause no problems.

Just keep an eye on it and pop him along to the vets if it starts to look infected but that doesn't look infected to me, just sore.
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