Bathing - After effects? Help!


New Born Pup
Nov 23, 2016
Reaction score
Oxford, United Kingdom
I have just finished giving my piggy a bath. He had a UTI and had urine in his fur so I decided he needed a wash to get rid of it.

Afterwards he was shivery and stressed so I wrapped him in a towel and gave him snacks. I dried him on low-heat with a hairdryer and made sure he was warm, dry and no longer

I put him back in the cage with his cage-mate but he seems really agitated and stressed still. Not shivering, just running around a lot looking concerned. He is eating but he's clearly not happy. He keeps cleaning himself as well, which I know is normal because they want to get rid of the smell / whatever they had done in the bath.

I'm just worried if some shampoo might be still on him / something causing it? Maybe I'm overreacting, just not sure what I can do to calm him or make him less uncomfortable.
I'm just worried the shampoo hasn't 100% washed out, but should I put him through the stress of another bath today to be sure or leave him alone?
It’s sometimes worth doing a patch test to see if they have a reaction?

I didn’t do this once and (thank goodness it was only a cream) put some of it on a bald patch on one of my boar rumps for a small dry patch of skin. Within seconds he went ballistic, running around the cage, literally blindly crashing into things, panting and very distressed. I was really worried he would hurt himself as he’d gone absolutely crazy. I grabbed him and quickly washed the area with warm water and he was fine again almost immediately. This was a reputable cream bought for the right job, he was just highly allergic to it. I now ALWAYS do a patch test on all of them first. Lesson learnt nearly the hard way!
I ended up washing him again! He seems to be more comfortable now though honestly, much less agitated. I've given him some treats which he's scoffed up. I've left him alone now :) Sorry, thanks for your advice.

Washing pigs is so stressful!
That's good he's OK now
Glad he's ok now. I have a boar who has been left with an "outey" post neuter so he tends to get urine on himself a lot. I dilute a small amount of hibiscrub in warm water and use a couple of cotton pads to gently clean the area around his man parts and his two back legs once or twice a week to stop him picking up infections. He doesn't like it but its for his own good and is definitely better for him than a full bath
Glad he's ok now. I have a boar who has been left with an "outey" post neuter so he tends to get urine on himself a lot. I dilute a small amount of hibiscrub in warm water and use a couple of cotton pads to gently clean the area around his man parts and his two back legs once or twice a week to stop him picking up infections. He doesn't like it but its for his own good and is definitely better for him than a full bath
I'd love a bath lol
Thanks all!

I just noticed this evening that my other pig has quite a wet backend as well, which is odd for him as he's always really clean.

Their cage was cleaned out yesterday so it's not that. I'm not sure if UTIs can be easily passed from pig-to-pig?

I've got extra medication so I suppose I can contact the vet and get some advice. He seems to be eating and his usual self though.