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Bungie bunnies

Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 6, 2020
Reaction score
I’ve looked at the guniea pig cage sizes and know roughly how many I could have in my cage! but I was wondering on your own personal opinions my cage is 6,8ft long by 3,4ft wide with a second level of approx. 4ft x 2ft so the base is roughly 23.12 sq ft and the level is 8 sq ft so all together around 31.12 sq ft ! :)
I’m afraid it’s not 31 sq ft. Guinea pigs are ground roaming creatures and not natural climbers and as such upper levels do not count towards the cage size (upper levels are considered as a bonus space only) and only the ground level counts, making your cage 23 sq ft

My two boys live in an 8ft x 6ft shed having access to almost all of it (I have a small strip down one side for storage). I personally prefer to have less piggies to more space rather than fill a space.
I’m afraid it’s not 31 sq ft. Guinea pigs are ground roaming creatures and not natural climbers and as such upper levels do not count towards the cage size (upper levels are considered as a bonus space only) and only the ground level counts, making your cage 23 sq ft

My two boys live in an 8ft x 6ft shed having access to almost all of it (I have a small strip down one side for storage). I personally prefer to have less piggies to more space rather than fill a space.
Yes I thought the level wouldn’t count :) thank you for the opinion you have some lucky piggy’s !