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Mimi Has Been To The Vets Due To Problems When Breathing

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 4, 2016
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hi all!

Last night I noticed that Mimi was making a funny noise every time she breathed almost sounded like she was grinding her teeth but it was her breathing. I kept an eye on her but didn't seem to be improving, so I thought she was probably cold as she sounded blocked up, so I put lots of hay and even a fluffy top in her bad to keep her warm. No discharge or anything just the sound when she breathed.

Woke up this morning and it was even louder than last night, I was so worried, rung the vets and they said to bring her in straight away.

So I took gp to the vet who checked her temperature, listened to her breathing and asked about her eating, drinking and activities.

Mimi is around 5 or 6 (she was a rescue GP so not certain on her age). Anyway the vet concluded that this could be bronchitis or she even said that it could possible be Cancer ( at this comment I nearly cried). She asked how much I was willing to spend and as I've only recently finished college and don't have much money I explained this and she said we could either do some x-rays or start her on a course of antibiotics. I decided to go for the antibiotics as I read many things about this and a lot say it was successful. Although she warned me it can upset their stomache so I am going to keep a close eye on her. I have been given baytril to dilute in water and give twice a day to her.
Vet gave her an injection of antibiotics this morning and I have come home this afternoon and Mimi is no longer making the noise when she breathes. So I am hoping that the antibiotics are working....still going to do the course of antibiotics as I know that you need to finish them for it to work properly. Has anyone else experienced anything like this with their pigs?

Sorry for the long post I'm just worried about her x
My piggy had pneumonia last year and had multiple relapses afterwards, so I have a bit of knowledge.

I don't know how much an x-ray would actually help in this case or at this early stage.

Antibiotics are a good start :). What dose of Baytril are you giving her? Is the Bayril safe to give without diluting, as this often makes the whole syringing more difficult and stressful. I would recommend a probiotic to give her as well because guinea pigs are prone to digestive problems. I use Fibreplex (more for digestive problems) or Pro-C, which are available online or the Pro-C can be bought at Pets At Home. There are better ones, but Pro-C is very easily available.

My piggy did seem a lot better after antibiotics started but it can take up to two days for it to fully kick in.
I have a guinea pig who is around 3 years old I noticed his breathing was loud about a week ago it has continually gotten worse so I took him to vet n they gave him an antibiotic that I give every 12 hours for six days. I've given him four doses in the last two days but the breathing is even louder n more crackly kinda like chewing or grinding on something any advice o also called vet back yesterday and they said it is normal sometimes before they get better but IDK about this. But he eats n drinks good but it's hard listening to him breath it's pretty loud.
Also I give vitamin c drops n water, he uses fleece blankets for bedding and had been fine for two years it just started as the weather got cold but he is covered up except for front of cage ,always has been, and nothing has changed to cause this. I'm very worried if anyone else has gone thru this I would appreciate the advice or help thanks.
hi all!

Last night I noticed that Mimi was making a funny noise every time she breathed almost sounded like she was grinding her teeth but it was her breathing. I kept an eye on her but didn't seem to be improving, so I thought she was probably cold as she sounded blocked up, so I put lots of hay and even a fluffy top in her bad to keep her warm. No discharge or anything just the sound when she breathed.

Woke up this morning and it was even louder than last night, I was so worried, rung the vets and they said to bring her in straight away.

So I took gp to the vet who checked her temperature, listened to her breathing and asked about her eating, drinking and activities.

Mimi is around 5 or 6 (she was a rescue GP so not certain on her age). Anyway the vet concluded that this could be bronchitis or she even said that it could possible be Cancer ( at this comment I nearly cried). She asked how much I was willing to spend and as I've only recently finished college and don't have much money I explained this and she said we could either do some x-rays or start her on a course of antibiotics. I decided to go for the antibiotics as I read many things about this and a lot say it was successful. Although she warned me it can upset their stomache so I am going to keep a close eye on her. I have been given baytril to dilute in water and give twice a day to her.
Vet gave her an injection of antibiotics this morning and I have come home this afternoon and Mimi is no longer making the noise when she breathes. So I am hoping that the antibiotics are working....still going to do the course of antibiotics as I know that you need to finish them for it to work properly. Has anyone else experienced anything like this with their pigs?

Sorry for the long post I'm just worried about her x

Hi! I would go through with the full course of antibiotics and see whether they do the trick. x-rays etc. would only be indicated if there is a deterioration or if there are repeat URIs. In that case, your vet is right to check for further courses, like a fluid build-up in the chest cavity.

As long as your girl is still eating normally and is her normal self, I would not worry at all. Please switch to weighing daily at the same time to keep an eye on her food intake. URI (the need to breathe comes before the need to drink and thirdly the need to eat) and antibiotics (that impact on the gut bacteria as much as on the URI bacteria) can often act as appetite dampeners and killers. What antibiotic is she on and what dosage?
I would recommend to give a pinch of probiotic about 1-2 hours after the antibiotic in order to bolster the guts. This is just a supportive and not a medical measure. You can also give some additional vitamin C to boost the immune system if you wish to. Probiotics, Recovery Foods And Vitamin C: Overview With Product Links

All the best!
Thankyou for your replies, Mimi is on 0.22ml of baytril diluted with 4ml of water.
Hi! I would go through with the full course of antibiotics and see whether they do the trick. x-rays etc. would only be indicated if there is a deterioration or if there are repeat URIs. In that case, your vet is right to check for further courses, like a fluid build-up in the chest cavity.

As long as your girl is still eating normally and is her normal self, I would not worry at all. Please switch to weighing daily at the same time to keep an eye on her food intake. URI (the need to breathe comes before the need to drink and thirdly the need to eat) and antibiotics (that impact on the gut bacteria as much as on the URI bacteria) can often act as appetite dampeners and killers. What antibiotic is she on and what dosage?
I would recommend to give a pinch of probiotic about 1-2 hours after the antibiotic in order to bolster the guts. This is just a supportive and not a medical measure. You can also give some additional vitamin C to boost the immune system if you wish to. Probiotics, Recovery Foods And Vitamin C: Overview With Product Links

All the best!
Mimi is still her normal self no discharging from eyes, ears or mouth. The noises have settled and are much quieter today. I offered her some veg yesterday and she ate some of that ( she never has had a big appetite she's a very picky eater!)
i will look up probiotics as I don't want her tummy to become upset.
Thankyou for your help
I have a guinea pig who is around 3 years old I noticed his breathing was loud about a week ago it has continually gotten worse so I took him to vet n they gave him an antibiotic that I give every 12 hours for six days. I've given him four doses in the last two days but the breathing is even louder n more crackly kinda like chewing or grinding on something any advice o also called vet back yesterday and they said it is normal sometimes before they get better but IDK about this. But he eats n drinks good but it's hard listening to him breath it's pretty loud.
I was thinking about what might have caused this for Mimi, what sort of bedding do you use? I put a lot of extra hay in and I'm wondering whether it may be dusty? Did your vet give the guineapig an injection of antibiotics to start her off? The noises sound exactly the same as my girls. Although hers are much quieter now, and she has had the injection and 2 doses of baytril. What dosage and antibiotics is yours on?
My piggy had pneumonia last year and had multiple relapses afterwards, so I have a bit of knowledge.

I don't know how much an x-ray would actually help in this case or at this early stage.

Antibiotics are a good start :). What dose of Baytril are you giving her? Is the Bayril safe to give without diluting, as this often makes the whole syringing more difficult and stressful. I would recommend a probiotic to give her as well because guinea pigs are prone to digestive problems. I use Fibreplex (more for digestive problems) or Pro-C, which are available online or the Pro-C can be bought at Pets At Home. There are better ones, but Pro-C is very easily available.

My piggy did seem a lot better after antibiotics started but it can take up to two days for it to fully kick in.
Thankyou for your reply, I'm so happy to hear that this works for your guineapig! She is on 0.22ml of baytril diluted on 4ml of water. Yes I agree she doesn't seem to enjoy having the medicine, have to do it slowly as it is a lot of water for her to drink, couldn't do it all on one go anyway just doing it slowly☺️
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