New Guineas can’t find water


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 14, 2019
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
Hi! We got two guinea girls yesterday and we’ve been leaving them to settle in and have fed them veg by hand so they warm up to us. Luckily they seem really confident with that.

However, they don’t appear to have touched their water bottle and I’m worried they can’t find it! Any tips or will they be clever enough to find it?


I feel they will be able to find the water bottles but if you are worried, you can leave some cucumber for them. Cucumber is a good source of moisture I feel.
I would just give them some time to figure out their new place in the meantime. It has only been a day since they moved to a new place so they might not know where everything is yet.
Have you put your water bottle too high up as your girls are small they may not be able to reach. Cucumber 🥒 is a good idea if worried lettuce 🥬 is also quite juicy. My guineas are sitting on my lap helping me write this ❤️
Have you put your water bottle too high up as your girls are small they may not be able to reach. Cucumber 🥒 is a good idea if worried lettuce 🥬 is also quite juicy. My guineas are sitting on my lap helping me write this ❤

I was actually worried it’s too low, it’s on the lowest it can go but I figured they’re tiny!
Definitely going to put some cucumber in! They’ve each had a blueberry off me this morning and seemed incredibly happy about that! Aww how cute!
Some guineas prefer to get water from food, but if you’re really concerned, you could just switch to a water bowl. I can’t fit a bottle in my cage (stupid thing!) so I went with a bowl and they do drink from it (also poo in it and drop food in it 🙄 so it might need refreshing a couple of times a day)
Make sure they do get water, from a bottle or bowl, they’ll find it!
Make sure you’re not over feeding cucumber
They’ve found the water bottles and use them now - think it just took them a while to settle in the cage. Luckily cucumber went down well until they found them! Thanks for help!