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Re-introducing After Long Vet Stay

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New Born Pup
May 4, 2017
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Hello! I have a question which I can't seem to find any info about. I have two lively boar 10 week old cavies and sadly one (Doty) got an upper resp infection and is having a stay at the vet for about 10 days. I know he will be fine and we will get him back in no time but I'm worried about his cage-mate, Trinket. If I keep something with Doty's scent on it near the cage, will it help the reintroduction process? Will Trinket be alright being alone in his cage for that long?

I do plan on "re-introducting" them once we get Doty back from his "vacation" on neutral ground and totally cleaning out the cage after (and possibly when) they are settled back down on the neutral zone. I don't want to put them through the stress of a bonding bath because well, they are short hairs and are very clean and since they are so young I don't want to scar them and break what trust I have built up with them.

Any advice is helpful! Thank you!
Hi, welcome to the forum

Sorry to hear your piggy has been poorly

To be honest Trinket should be fine, if he is doing okay on his own now and not acutely pinning and eating then there would be no reason for him to go downhill.

I wouldn't go down the bonding both route, just go for a normal reintroduction on neutral ground as you have said.

Could I ask you to add your rough location to your profile also as it helps us tailor advice if need to your geographical location

Hope Doty gets better soon

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