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Super long quicks


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 17, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Ireland UK
So I recently adopted two guinea pigs that clearly hadn’t been well looked after :( both of them have super long quicks (I think that’s the name for them) which is the blood vessel part inside their nail. Is there any way to help them? Because I can’t cut into the blood their nails are also super long. Thanks for any help!
I would take your piggies to a vet or rescue to trim there nails the 1st time,usually you will need to clip nails every other day until the nails are at the desired length,the quick receeds with every clip,so you will not cut into the quick.a vet or rescue will be able to teach you how to do this saftley,without trauma to you or your piggies.
I find with overgrown nails the quick will be longer so you need to trim what you can (without catching the quick) and then next week you will see that the quick isn't as long and you can do it again. When I got willow I just kept taking as much as I dare for weeks until they were a normal length