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Ted Had Bladder Surgery On Friday - Still Not Eating Or Moving Much

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Is he taking syringe feed at all? I know the vets were feeding him? If not I would add that in too.
Don't have heat pad but will try hot water bottle in a towel tonight thank you xx
Heat tends to help get things moving and ease pain especially in this cold weather! Just make sure there's no way he can burn himself or over heat. Make sure he can easily get away from the heat if needs be! Hope he has a good night tonight x
Yes I am syringe feeding him recovery food and water. Yes currently laid on my knee with a towel wrapped round him so is very warm :-) I just hope he has a good night xx
Yes I am syringe feeding him recovery food and water. Yes currently laid on my knee with a towel wrapped round him so is very warm :-) I just hope he has a good night xx

How is ted today? It's horrible isn't it! My bob had surgery last Friday to remove his eye and he's still not 100%! It's such a worry.

I really hope he is ok
I can not believe how much better he is. After 5 days of not eating or pooing, he lost 150grams I thought he hadn't got a chance. He didn't even have the energy to lift his head. Now he has started eating (not a lot, so I am still hand feeding) and he is wanting to know what I'm doing, looking interested again. It is like a miracle! Thank you to everyone on here. It really helps to know there are people who care and listen. Xx
@JoannaMarie I've been there before with many a pig thinking how can they possibly recover?

I remember reading about someone's experience with ill pig's. They said 'be prepared to be at breaking point unable to function, and keep going don't give up'. They are right I've been in that place quite a few times.

Really hope he is now on the mend.
This was the statement I was thinking of it was wrote by Talishan on Guinealynx under post operative care - I definetly think it's an accurate statement.

Many, many pigs go straight downhill after they get home from the vet, and after 24, 48, 60 or more hours of intensive care, sleep lost to hand feeding, worry and stress, you will be at the end of your rope. That’s exactly when you DON’T want to give up. Guinea pigs can take you to your very last nerve postoperatively, and just when you think there isn’t one ... more ... thing you can do, THEN they turn the corner and get better, sometimes very quickly and often very dramatically. DON’T give up. Keep going and doing what you need to do to help them through the recovery period. It will be well, well worth it, for your cavy and for you.
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