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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 7, 2019
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My guinea pig Charlie has been fine ever since that tooth problem, but as I was petting him, i felt a small lump on his right shoulder in his flab area.Does anyone know if this is an early stage of cancer? I feel like I’m overreacting a bit, but it’s not on the left side of his body either.I will take him to the vet if it’s serious, but last time I had another guinea pig who died after a procedure. Although I don’t trust the vet, i will do anything for his safety.
I think everyone here is going to say to take him to a vet. Whilst one pig passing after surgery is horrible, it’s not a good reason not to treat another.

One of my girls had a lump removal surgery last Tuesday. I was so worried because the last pig I had surgery for died during the recovery, but I can’t deny her care
Lumps can be any number of things with cysts and abscesses being more common, I believe, than tumors. Do you have the option to seek out another vet if you do not trust this one? You do need a vet to be able to correctly diagnose the lump
I think everyone here is going to say to take him to a vet. Whilst one pig passing after surgery is horrible, it’s not a good reason not to treat another.

One of my girls had a lump removal surgery last Tuesday. I was so worried because the last pig I had surgery for died during the recovery, but I can’t deny her care
I think everyone here is going to say to take him to a vet. Whilst one pig passing after surgery is horrible, it’s not a good reason not to treat another.

One of my girls had a lump removal surgery last Tuesday. I was so worried because the last pig I had surgery for died during the recovery, but I can’t deny her care
No, that’s not what I mean.The vet that euthanized my first guinea pig is untrustworthy, but he’s the only one I can find that I can afford