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Unhealing Wound


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 5, 2017
Reaction score
My Guinea pig Ruby cut herself on her left back side in April this year and I took her to the vets who said it looked like she has scraped herself on something and not to worry.

Since then it has opened a couple of times so I have washed it and monitored her and it hasn't bothered her. However yesterday it opened up again, it looks deeper than before, sore and bleeding.

I have cut her nails so she doesn't cause more damage to it. I have bathed it and she is eating and not out of sorts but I can see she is in pain with it. I have an appointment at the vets on Friday but in the meantime do you have any advice or anything I should ask the vets.

She is just over three years old and has never had any other health issues. She is a healthy weight which is stable at 980g.

I would really appreciate any help, I am very worried about her. Thanks in advance!
It sounds like you are doing everything possible.
Just keep it clean and if possible remove anything from her cage that might cause her to jump (platforms, etc) or stress the wound (ramps?).
Good luck with the vet.
My Guinea pig Ruby cut herself on her left back side in April this year and I took her to the vets who said it looked like she has scraped herself on something and not to worry.

Since then it has opened a couple of times so I have washed it and monitored her and it hasn't bothered her. However yesterday it opened up again, it looks deeper than before, sore and bleeding.

I have cut her nails so she doesn't cause more damage to it. I have bathed it and she is eating and not out of sorts but I can see she is in pain with it. I have an appointment at the vets on Friday but in the meantime do you have any advice or anything I should ask the vets.

She is just over three years old and has never had any other health issues. She is a healthy weight which is stable at 980g.

I would really appreciate any help, I am very worried about her. Thanks in advance!
OK: I had the same issue. Absolutely, use BANIXX. It can be a little pricey(20 a bottle) but is absolutly worth it. It is like water, doesn't sting, and is east to apply. I'd look it up if I were you. There are a lot of testimonials on it on the web. Hope this helps! ( and you might want to clip the hair around the wound, if it could get in it)
I agree with Swissgreys. the cut may keep opening because it's on a joint. You doing really well with her so don't freak out l know your worried but its not an emergency. If she stops eating syringe her with critical care & water, but l can't see any problems. Make sure you check the cage, she must have caught himself somewhere. Let us know how you get on at the vets. On don't forget to ask for medicine for his pain.

Hi & welcome to our friendly forum :D
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OK: I had the same issue. Absolutely, use BANIXX. It can be a little pricey(20 a bottle) but is absolutly worth it. It is like water, doesn't sting, and is east to apply. I'd look it up if I were you. There are a lot of testimonials on it on the web. Hope this helps! ( and you might want to clip the hair around the wound, if it could get in it)
it is better that the vet sees the wound first. I've no reason to doubt the prouduct your recommending but always better to do the vet first, perhaps Gemm would like to ask the vet about the product.

Hi & welcome to our friendly forum.
it is better that the vet sees the wound first. I've no reason to doubt the prouduct your recommending but always better to do the vet first, perhaps Gemm would like to ask the vet about the product.

Hi & welcome to our friendly forum.
That might be a good idea! I only didn't mention it because the post was about things to do before the vet.
Thanks! I'm always glad to talk to piggie's people!
Thanks for all your replies. I really appreciate the help. I will wait to see what the vet says. Ruby is looking much better today, her wound is not bothering at all but it still looks deep and painful.
I am such a worrier when it comes to my pigs! Hopefully the vet can put my mind at ease.
I will let you know what they say! The appointment is tomorrow evening.
So I went to the vet with Ruby this evening and the vet said the cut was not infected but looks inflamed. She gave me a 7 day course of metacam to see if that gives it enough time to settle and heal so Ruby doesn't irritate it further. She said if that does not work then to put Ruby under and make the cut bigger in order to stitch it back up and ensure it heals.
I am a bit hesitant to go for surgery because she is over 3 years old now and the risks of GA but I will see how the area heals in the next week.

thanks again for everyone's replies :)
Update! So it has been a week and Ruby has been on metacam. It at first seemed to be helping but today the cut is quite red again but not bleeding and it hasn't scabbed over. It doesn't seem to be bothering Ruby no she is being her normal happy self and eating really well.
I am very hesitant to go for the operation because I do not want to risk loosing her because of something that isn't bothering her but I can't risk it getting infected or getting worse. I'm in two minds of what to do-I don't know what the right decision is.

What would you do?

Ps I hope you and all your Guinea pigs had a great Christmas.
Completely random thought but has your piggy ever been treated for mites? I ask because a serious infestation can cause redness, bleeding and scabs.

I ask as I find it a bit odd that your pig doesn't have an infection. I would have thought a cut would have healed by now. Infection would stop healing so if she's not infected then something else must be happening.

Could you post a photo?

What is the vet going to do with the surgery? Cut out the part that's not healing and stitch it closed?
Thanks @Betsy ! Piggies usually get itchy when they have mites but one of my very first piggies had mites and he never seemed bothed. My vet thought it was a bite from his cagemate at first.