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Urgent Help Please - She's Not Good After Few Days Of Birth

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New Born Pup
Jun 27, 2017
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My guinea pig gave birth to 3 healthy little babies we adore few days ago. She made us sooooo happy.
But, now 4-5 days after she's not so good. She is lethargic, static and very slow, she's not even eating well and don't drink water, as she always does. She's with her babies right now. She don't even sing to me like she used to. I see my baby is in bad condition, she's so bone and skin, and I don't know what to do. Vets here in are not so good for guinea pigs, at least few of them I know about, and I called.
It's very hot here and I gave here wet towel but she don't use it.
PLEASE HELP if someone had similar situation - what to do, what to give here?
Thank you.
My guinea pig gave birth to 3 healthy little babies we adore few days ago. She made us sooooo happy.
But, now 4-5 days after she's not so good. She is lethargic, static and very slow, she's not even eating well and don't drink water, as she always does. She's with her babies right now. She don't even sing to me like she used to. I see my baby is in bad condition, she's so bone and skin, and I don't know what to do. Vets here in are not so good for guinea pigs, at least few of them I know about, and I called.
It's very hot here and I gave here wet towel but she don't use it.
PLEASE HELP if someone had similar situation - what to do, what to give here?
Thank you.

Please see a vet ASAP! Your mummy is likely to either be suffering from the heat and a heat stroke (which can damage the heart) or have a womb infection (pyometra) and urgently needs an antibiotic. Check whether her genitalia are swollen and hot. Toxaemia is also a major problem for new mums in hot climates. Either condition is easily curable with appropriate vet care in the early stages, but deadly if left untreated for too long. It can be a combination of heat and womb infection, but your sow needs to see a vet NOW if you want to have at least a chance to save her life!

Start syringe feeding and watering her to prevent the guts from closing down asap and provide more heat relief than just a wet towel. Weigh her daily at the same time; the same goes with the pups.
Start topping up the babies with kitten milk formula (you should be able to get that from a vet, too, in an emergency). Do NOT syringe and rather use a small artists brush which wash and then run over mums nipples to let the babies suck. Stale wholewheat bread cubes soaked in kitten milk or full fat goats milk can also work.
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Hot Weather Management And Heat Strokes


Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet

Please be aware that we do not support intentional breeding on this forum because there are far too many unwanted guinea pigs and because the fatalities during pregnancy and birth are so high - on average, every fifth pregnancy ends with death to either mum or pups or all of them.
Please get her to a vet ASAP! She'll need syringe feeding to keep her going as Weibke has said.
Good luck to you!
Please see a vet ASAP! Your mummy is likely to either be suffering from the heat and a heat stroke (which can damage the heart) or have a womb infection (pyometra) and urgently needs an antibiotic. Check whether her genitalia are swollen and hot. Toxaemia is also a major problem for new mums in hot climates. Either condition is easily curable with appropriate vet care in the early stages, but deadly if left untreated for too long. It can be a combination of heat and womb infection, but your sow needs to see a vet NOW if you want to have at least a chance to save her life!

Start syringe feeding and watering her to prevent the guts from closing down asap and provide more heat relief than just a wet towel. Weigh her daily at the same time; the same goes with the pups.
Start topping up the babies with kitten milk formula (you should be able to get that from a vet, too, in an emergency). Do NOT syringe and rather use a small artists brush which wash and then run over mums nipples to let the babies suck. Stale wholewheat bread cubes soaked in kitten milk or full fat goats milk can also work.
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Hot Weather Management And Heat Strokes


Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet

Please be aware that we do not support intentional breeding on this forum because there are far too many unwanted guinea pigs and because the fatalities during pregnancy and birth are so high - on average, every fifth pregnancy ends with death to either mum or pups or all of them.

<3 thank you so much for your reply. I have that milk formula /my sis got little kitties/ and I didn't know I can give that to piggies too.
I called nearby vet and they sad to wait a little more for sun to goes down, and than to bring them. I'll wait because it's very hot outside. But I'm not in peace.
I just cut her hair down to normal size of hair for guinea piggies, coz she's a long hair pig. And let her rest in bath tub for little more time but she refused that. She is walking faster but she refuse to eat and drink water. She just want to breastfeed babies. I sprinkle them with water from spray bottle. Started syringe feeding and watering her in late night when I saw she's not feeling good.

Thanks again for so informative advice. 3-4 hours more to wait to go to vet, and I hope they'll give her medications. They saved here life once, from the worms /they sad/, I'll hope it will again. :/
Please get her to a vet ASAP! She'll need syringe feeding to keep her going as Weibke has said.
Good luck to you!
Thank you, we need luck now :/ ASAP? Should I wait for sun to goes down or to go to vet right now? Is it smart to bring her outside it's very hot, and we need to walk more than 20 minutes to vet. I am scared, and can't think straight. Sorry for bordering you all.
Thank you, we need luck now :/ ASAP? Should I wait for sun to goes down or to go to vet right now? Is it smart to bring her outside it's very hot, and we need to walk more than 20 minutes to vet. I am scared, and can't think straight. Sorry for bordering you all.

Do not give guinea pigs milk - they are lactose intolerant.
Call your vet now and get an appointment for as soon as possible - do not just turn up as there may be nobody to see you.
I personally wouldn't wait. If it's hot where you are, get some frozen food like frozen vegetables put a towel over it and put them into a pet carrier with cucumber and go to the vets. Ensure you have air con in the car also. It's possible to transport them quickly and in the cool.
It is a pity that you cannot enjoy this wonderful event and that your piggie-mum is ill now. Is it the first pregnancy for her? how old is she? is she bleeding?
It must be some infection of the womb and maybe 2-3 hours will not kill her; but I guess antibiotics are necessary and I hope the first dose will be given by the vet later. Maybe she is only in pain... piggies in pain stop eating.
I would not wait, though... at least for giving her the first dose of antibiotics...
If you have a car, switch on air cond. 5 minutes before going into it.
(Maybe, just like me, you are not british/american... ASAP means "as soon as possible"... I have learnt it only yesterday! ;))
<3 thank you so much for your reply. I have that milk formula /my sis got little kitties/ and I didn't know I can give that to piggies too.
I called nearby vet and they sad to wait a little more for sun to goes down, and than to bring them. I'll wait because it's very hot outside. But I'm not in peace.
I just cut her hair down to normal size of hair for guinea piggies, coz she's a long hair pig. And let her rest in bath tub for little more time but she refused that. She is walking faster but she refuse to eat and drink water. She just want to breastfeed babies. I sprinkle them with water from spray bottle. Started syringe feeding and watering her in late night when I saw she's not feeling good.

Thanks again for so informative advice. 3-4 hours more to wait to go to vet, and I hope they'll give her medications. They saved here life once, from the worms /they sad/, I'll hope it will again. :/

Please continue to syringe and water, little but often round the clock (including at night), as she'll need that to feed the babies as well as save herself. Your care is as important as any vet care, but it cannot replace any medical care, it can only help you to keep mum alive while she is getting medical care. All the best!

Here are travelling tips (including tips for hot weather). It is better to not come out in the full day heat unless you have an air conditioned car. Please use put two water bottles (not fully filled as ice expands) in the freezer, so you can always have one cold water bottle wrapped in a towel in the cage (or carrier) while the other one is cooling again in the freezer.
Travelling with guinea pigs
Good tips from everyone above, I find a water bottle, 3/4 full and frozen in the freezer, then wrapped in a towel is nice for the piggies to place in the carrier.
You could also put some watery veg like cucumber in th carrier just in case she fancies it.
Best of luck; personally I wouldn't wait x
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