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New Born Pup
Oct 9, 2021
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My 4 year old boar (Rhubarb) has recently been bereaved (3 days ago) and his health appears to be deteriorating rapidly. I’m in holiday right now and have been for 2 weeks and I won’t be getting back for another 4 days.

My pigs have been with a paid pig sitter and she has told me that Rhubarb’s breathing has become shallow and that he isn’t eating, drinking or moving much. I have told her to try force feeding water and crushed pellets but ultimately I’m preparing for the worst. He is said to be in a room with 6 other pigs.

I understand his grief for the loss of his mate who was only 2 years old and had been with him since 2 months old.
Does anyone have any advice, should I prepare to let go?


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Oh poor little guy, your sitter must step in with syringe feeding but a teip to the emergency vet too. he may have health issue that needs treating. It could also be the case he is deeply grieving and needs support feeding to see him through until you can help find him a little friend. Can your sitter place his cage next to some other piggies for company? I am so sorry you lost your other piggie, it must be terrible being away and unable to do anything

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Yes I have asked her to place him next to another pig and she is syringe feeding. I hope he’ll be okay but I know that he has had a happy life w us so I’m preparing for the worst. Hopefully he will pick up though.
Yes I have asked her to place him next to another pig and she is syringe feeding. I hope he’ll be okay but I know that he has had a happy life w us so I’m preparing for the worst. Hopefully he will pick up though.
Hope he pulls through 🤞
How worrying for you. It sounds like your sitter is doing all she can, although he really needs to see a vet. Sending you my very best wishes.
I'm sorry to hear this.
Do you know his cagemate's cause of death?
I think he needs to get to a vet as soon as possible (i.e. today), and ideally be fed some critical care (available from the vets) as this is much more nutritious than crushed pellets.
Is it possible for the sitter to move his actual cage next to another guinea pig cage so he can have company 24/7?
I hope you have a good outcome. ❤
I absolutely do agree that he needs to be syringe fed and weighed daily but he also needs a vet today.
There is the potential for this to be a medical issue rather than acute pining/grief, given the symptoms and medical needs to be ruled out first.

I hope he is ok
He didn’t make it sadly. I need a bit of time to grieve and a break since I lost both my pigs in such a short span of time. However, I hope to adopt a trio or pair of girls from a rescue as I can’t imagine a life without pigs ᵒᴥᵒ