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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 8, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone!
today I noticed a dark red spot on my guinea pig's front left foot (see picture). we looked back later and another one had appeared on the same foot. we weren't sure if it was the beginnings of bumblefoot
he is acting no different than usual and doesn't seem in pain
could you tell me what it is and how to fix it (we can't go to the vets again)

Thank you,


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I’m afraid any potential illness does require a vet to make the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
We cannot diagnose any illness nor can we tell you how to treat it plus antibiotics and other treatments etc all require a vet prescription.
Please do have your piggy seen by a vet for potential bumblefoot
What is he bedded on? I’m afraid it does look like it could be the beginning of bumble foot going by the sore and swelling. But I’m sorry to say that only a vet can diagnose and treat as none of us are vets
thank you
we use aubiose bedding but i don't know if that's the problem
Bumblefoot (if that is what he is diagnosed with) is caused by bacteria being able to get into the skin. Bedding, abrasion or lack of mobility can be factors.
If your piggies are indoors, then switching bedding to using Vetbed can help as its softer on the feet particularly for piggies struggling with bumblefoot, but fabric bedding outside is problematic and not recommended due to the damp conditions of the UK winter

Guinea Lynx :: Pododermatitis
Bumblefoot (if that is what he is diagnosed with) is caused by bacteria being able to get into the skin. Bedding, abrasion or lack of mobility can be factors.
If your piggies are indoors, then switching bedding to using Vetbed can help as its softer on the feet particularly for piggies struggling with bumblefoot, but fabric bedding outside is problematic and not recommended due to the damp conditions of the UK winter

Guinea Lynx :: Pododermatitis
thank you :)