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Guinea Pig jumped out my hands and injured itself


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Hi, I feel so quilty at the moment and really worried. I took my guinea pig out the cage and gave her some treats. When I put her back into her cage with the other guinea pigs she doesn't usually move much when she gets near the cage but tonight she decided to jump out my hands. About a foot high. When she hit the floor she squealed and i was in shock. I looked at her and she started dragging her back legs. I thought something was wrong with her back. When I went back in the room I seen her move slowly again with her back legs normal. She then walked up the ramp and came back down fine. She seems OK but I'm not sure as I have seen people say guinea pigs can hide there pain sometimes. She's only 2 and she now eating her hay. I just need some advice if she's going to be ok and what may have happened that caused her legs to drag. Should I see a vet to check or should she be OK as she's walking now? Thanks
I think speak to the vet and see what they say. It’s good that she’s not dragging them but better safe than sorry. Hopefully it was/is something minor.