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Gut stasis?


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2021
Reaction score
I’ve posted about my pig Bobby and his bladder stone here Does anyone know what this noise means? (I didn’t wanna keep adding to this thread incase nobody sees this)

Today he’s not pooping normally, I’ve seen 2 poops in about 2 hours. Earlier there was maybe 5 huge poops in one go. He’s hunched over really badly and struggling and in really bad pain seemingly all day. He got his metacam .8mls, Septrin .43ml and Gabapentin .1ml this afternoon about 2pm. He keeps lying on his side and pushing his bum outwards. To add the poops he’s doing look really normal, ideal size and colour and everything just not enough of them

I spoke to his exotic vet which is unfortunately 2 hours away so getting him there this evening isn’t possible because they close at 7. She said his bladder stone may be causing a secondary problem with his bowels and to keep syringe feeding. They moved his bladder stone surgery up to tomorrow and will treat whatever bowel issues are there first, but in the meantime I’m wondering does anyone have any advice on what to do. My first ever piggy died of gut stasis in 2021 so I’m really worried.

He’s not touching hay, earlier he ate a little bit of timothy and a small bit of apple but otherwise not interested in food. He’s grunting and constantly squealing and hunched over and can’t get comfortable :( I’ve given him maybe 25mls of critical care in the past 2 hours and I have no idea if that’s way too much or what else to do. Any suggestions at all are welcome. :( He’s super uncomfortable and his tummy feels bloated
I’m sorry to hear this.
All you can do is continue to syringe feed. Give him as much as he will take at each sitting. It is your daily weight checks are your guide as to whether he is getting enough

Best wishes for his surgery tomorrow
I’m sorry to hear this.
All you can do is continue to syringe feed. Give him as much as he will take at each sitting. It is your daily weight checks are your guide as to whether he is getting enough

Best wishes for his surgery tomorrow
He’s not wanting any so I’ve been struggling to decide if I’m overdoing it based on his reaction and was worried the water in critical care mix might bloat him further but thank you! I’ll keep going
Actually to add I’m concerned maybe I messed up his metacam dose. I’m absolutely certain the vet said up to 1.1mls twice daily (cat strength) and maybe I misunderstood and she meant 1.1ml divided up and I overdosed him, worried that’s what’s causing lack of bowel movement :( Last night he got about .6ml and today I gave him about .8 in increments when I saw it wasn’t having much effect. But I’m certain she said up to 1.1ml twice daily, because she commented on how my other vet was underdosing him by a lot at .25mls! Does anyone know if that could cause this or if it really is an overdose? I see so much conflicting info about metacam dosing. I feel terrible if this is my screw up
Another just to add but his weight has actually gone up by slightly over 100g if my scales is correct since he was last weighed a couple of days ago. Have no idea if this is normal weight or bloating/retention so I’m concerned about how much feeding he’s having with no pooping
I’ve posted about my pig Bobby and his bladder stone here Does anyone know what this noise means? (I didn’t wanna keep adding to this thread incase nobody sees this)

Today he’s not pooping normally, I’ve seen 2 poops in about 2 hours. Earlier there was maybe 5 huge poops in one go. He’s hunched over really badly and struggling and in really bad pain seemingly all day. He got his metacam .8mls, Septrin .43ml and Gabapentin .1ml this afternoon about 2pm. He keeps lying on his side and pushing his bum outwards. To add the poops he’s doing look really normal, ideal size and colour and everything just not enough of them

I spoke to his exotic vet which is unfortunately 2 hours away so getting him there this evening isn’t possible because they close at 7. She said his bladder stone may be causing a secondary problem with his bowels and to keep syringe feeding. They moved his bladder stone surgery up to tomorrow and will treat whatever bowel issues are there first, but in the meantime I’m wondering does anyone have any advice on what to do. My first ever piggy died of gut stasis in 2021 so I’m really worried.

He’s not touching hay, earlier he ate a little bit of timothy and a small bit of apple but otherwise not interested in food. He’s grunting and constantly squealing and hunched over and can’t get comfortable :( I’ve given him maybe 25mls of critical care in the past 2 hours and I have no idea if that’s way too much or what else to do. Any suggestions at all are welcome. :( He’s super uncomfortable and his tummy feels bloated



It may be that his stone has gone into the urethra where boars have an awkward inglenook and where they can block the flow of urine. It is incredibly painful. Alternatively it could be a twisted gut or extreme bloat where the gut goes as hard as concrete. Grunting and twisting is a sign of extreme pain in the body.

Please see a vet as quickly as you can at any time of day.
Actually to add I’m concerned maybe I messed up his metacam dose. I’m absolutely certain the vet said up to 1.1mls twice daily (cat strength) and maybe I misunderstood and she meant 1.1ml divided up and I overdosed him, worried that’s what’s causing lack of bowel movement :( Last night he got about .6ml and today I gave him about .8 in increments when I saw it wasn’t having much effect. But I’m certain she said up to 1.1ml twice daily, because she commented on how my other vet was underdosing him by a lot at .25mls! Does anyone know if that could cause this or if it really is an overdose? I see so much conflicting info about metacam dosing. I feel terrible if this is my screw up


You have not overdosed.


It may be that his stone has gone into the urethra where boars have an awkward inglenook and where they can block the flow of urine. It is incredibly painful. Alternatively it could be a twisted gut or extreme bloat where the gut goes as hard as concrete. Grunting and twisting is a sign of extreme pain in the body.

I am extremely sorry but a grunting guinea pig has always been one that I have raced to the out of hours vets for potential pts/eutanasia, and so far every vet who saw one of them has come to the same conclusion. I wish from the bottom of my heart I wouldn't have to write this.

Please see a vet as quickly as you can.
The closest exotic vet is the one he’s going to tomorrow which is 2 hours away. His appointment is at 9:30am, so basically as soon as they open :( They’re not open out of hours unfortunately I wish they were I would bring him straight away tonight. He was like this the other night but it seemed to pass again the next day and he was more normal again. I’m praying he’ll make it to the appointment tomorrow and be okay, thank you for your honesty though :( I can feel small wet patches on his blanket with some tiny blood spots so he is actually peeing if that means anything at all. He’s just hunched over and crouching occasionally, idk if grunting is the best word but pretty consistent what sounds like wheeking. The “grunting” pretty much like what a rumblestrutting noise sounds like just louder. Idk if any of that makes a difference at all though
The closest exotic vet is the one he’s going to tomorrow which is 2 hours away. His appointment is at 9:30am, so basically as soon as they open :( They’re not open out of hours unfortunately I wish they were I would bring him straight away tonight. He was like this the other night but it seemed to pass again the next day and he was more normal again. I’m praying he’ll make it to the appointment tomorrow and be okay, thank you for your honesty though :(

Please see the closest out of hours vet; it doesn't matter who but for your boy it very much matters how soon. Your boy is in absolute agony.
Please see the closest out of hours vet; it doesn't matter who but for your boy it very much matters how soon. Your boy is in absolute agony.
Do you really think so? I spoke to the exotic vet earlier and explained everything and they didn’t seem that concerned, just about moving the surgery forward :( I also don’t think there even is any out of hours vets anywhere near, I live in such a rural area :(
Do you really think so? I spoke to the exotic vet earlier and explained everything and they didn’t seem that concerned, just about moving the surgery forward :( I also don’t think there even is any out of hours vets anywhere near, I live in such a rural area :(

OK. If you can't get to a vet, just try to hang in there as best as you can. I am very sorry.
OK. If you can't get to a vet, just try to hang in there as best as you can. I am very sorry.
I got speaking to a vet and their suggestion was to just leave him until the appointment and see what they think is best. I completely understand what you’re saying about euthanasia though, I’m just so worried about doing it prematurely if it’s something that can be solved. Just trying to think about his appointment is realistically a few hours away and we’ll be there is 12 hours which seems like a lifetime right now especially for him :( Thank you again
I’ve posted about my pig Bobby and his bladder stone here Does anyone know what this noise means? (I didn’t wanna keep adding to this thread incase nobody sees this)

Today he’s not pooping normally, I’ve seen 2 poops in about 2 hours. Earlier there was maybe 5 huge poops in one go. He’s hunched over really badly and struggling and in really bad pain seemingly all day. He got his metacam .8mls, Septrin .43ml and Gabapentin .1ml this afternoon about 2pm. He keeps lying on his side and pushing his bum outwards. To add the poops he’s doing look really normal, ideal size and colour and everything just not enough of them

I spoke to his exotic vet which is unfortunately 2 hours away so getting him there this evening isn’t possible because they close at 7. She said his bladder stone may be causing a secondary problem with his bowels and to keep syringe feeding. They moved his bladder stone surgery up to tomorrow and will treat whatever bowel issues are there first, but in the meantime I’m wondering does anyone have any advice on what to do. My first ever piggy died of gut stasis in 2021 so I’m really worried.

He’s not touching hay, earlier he ate a little bit of timothy and a small bit of apple but otherwise not interested in food. He’s grunting and constantly squealing and hunched over and can’t get comfortable :( I’ve given him maybe 25mls of critical care in the past 2 hours and I have no idea if that’s way too much or what else to do. Any suggestions at all are welcome. :( He’s super uncomfortable and his tummy feels bloated

Hi, have you got any probiotics?
He’s just done 3 poops and a wee so hoping his everything is moving enough to tide him over til 9am for his appointment and still hoping it’s all operable :( Gonna get him his meds again at 9:30. Thanks again everyone, hope you all and your piggies are doing well x
My 🌈 Susie went into stasis early last year and I gave her probiotics. I believe this contributed to saving her life.
I actually don’t, he’s just done 3 poops albeit weird shapes but I have two other piggies I could take some poop to make some “soup” from if you think it’s worthwhile! His antibiotic is due at around 9:30-10 so I could definitely syringe him some poop soup. Sorry to hear your Susie has passed by the way 💖

I actually don’t, but I have two other piggies I could take some poop to make some “soup” from if you think it’s worthwhile! His antibiotic is due at around 9:30-10 so I could definitely syringe him some poop soup

Yes I think that's a good idea. It certainly won't do any harm and can only help. Poop soup and probiotics work hard at keeping the guts going and stable.