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My 2 year old bit me!


New Born Pup
Jan 22, 2017
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Coco has always been so tame and and rarely bites. I don’t even remember the last time he bit me, but today he bit my 3 times! All 3 were bad bites too, 2 left me bleeding and one left a mark.

Should I be worried please?
What were you doing at the time? Does he have a sore patch or something? Could he be in pain?
Thanks so much for replying and he has a fungal nose stripe and that’s all we know of and all I was doing was putting the giraffe tent in.
So your vet confirmed fungal and your piggies are undergoing treatment I assume, if so then personally I try and keep contact to a minimum. I know when my piggies are ill, they don't want any fuss, they just want to be left alone really. It's tough when that happens, when you want to just love them.
Keep an eye on your piggies for any other changes in behaviour too.
Good luck