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New Born Pup
Dec 29, 2019
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Hello! Just wanted to drop a quick question and find out how guinea pigs are diagnosed as Satin? Is it a blood or medical test or simply by the look of the fur? My 1year old Rex keeps hurting her feet (a front on once and a the same back one twice) and I’m worried about whether this is simply her being accidental or an underlying condition. I’ll add photos of the little bit of sheen the white parts of her has. I’m waiting for the vet to call back and get her in, but I’d love opinions in the meantime. Thanks in advance everyone
(Btw her nails are a little long just because she doesn’t want her foot touched right now to trim them)



Satin piggies have a special, very distinctive sheen. It is much easier to spot in comparison to normal piggies. Unfortunately I cannot call it from your pictures; it looks pretty normal to me?

Please be aware that fibrous osteodystrophy (satin disease) is increasingly turning up in non-satin piggies due to indiscriminate breeding.
If you have concerns, please see a vet. The lying on the side can be the first sign of this - irrespective whether your piggy is satin or not.

We have got more information with further links on satin guinea pigs and SGPS/'satin disease' towards the end of our breeds guide in the section with special and somewhat problematic breeds. Here is the link: What-breed-is-my-guinea-pig-picture-guide-to-common-pet-breeds
Thanks! I’ll read it right now :) the slight sheen in her fur is minimal and hard to see without catching the light so I’m hoping it’s not a satin gene. Fingers crossed she’s just shiny from a wonderful diet!

Felicia loves to burrow under blankets and sleep in the tunnel and my other two love to run laps, this unfortunately leads to her “sleeping on the race track” so I hope it’s simply that instead of an underlying condition. What’s the treatment for a hurt foot or can anything be done typically?
I can't be certain but to me it looks like she is satin. Also in the first photo the way she is lying is suggestive of a pig with osteodystrophy :( The hair shafts of satins are hollow which let's light shine through and give them their shiny appearance, which is more obvious in smooth coats than rex. There isn't a blood test but if she has osteodystrophy it will show up on x-ray.

if you take a look at the Cavy savvy guinea pig community on fb they often have articles about satins.

hope your girl is ok and her problem is not satin related.
I would take her to the vet for her feet. What exactly is wrong with them?
Luckily the first photo was just so I could get a got pic, but she does lay at a slight angle sometimes. I’ll google the photos of how they lay to compare and also try to get a pic of how she lays (which I thought was just because of her foot). I’m hoping to get her into the vet this week and I’ll call them back in the morning again.
I’ll also check the savvy guinea as well. Fingers crossed she isn’t a satin :,(
I would take her to the vet for her feet. What exactly is wrong with them?
The foot at top she’s limping on and it’s a little swollen compared to the other. She has limped on this one once before but it was never swollen and she stopped after a day or two so I assumed from running. But this time it is noticeably swollen. I have read spurs are a possibility and Rex/teddies are more prone(?). I’ll try and get a better foot pic also
Spurs are a growth but unless they’re interfering you shouldn’t touch them. Even then it’s best to get a vet to take a look. Cutting incorrectly could lead to cutting healthy skin.

Make her an appointment and see what the vet says.
Oh definitely wouldn’t mess with it myself for sure. Don’t know what I’m doing and would never get over the guilt of hurting her. Even nail cutting day is an event around here and they get babied more than normal. I was just wondering if Rex were prone to them or if the photo may show evidence of them.
I’m hoping to get her into the vet tomorrow, ideally, but going to call them again in the morning as soon as they open. Monday’s are their spay/neuter day so they were swamped and didn’t call me back, but I’ll get on It again tomorrow.
I’m not sure to be honest. I have a Teddy but no Spurs as yet. I can’t really tell anything from the photo but i’m not a vet either.
The foot at top she’s limping on and it’s a little swollen compared to the other. She has limped on this one once before but it was never swollen and she stopped after a day or two so I assumed from running. But this time it is noticeably swollen. I have read spurs are a possibility and Rex/teddies are more prone(?). I’ll try and get a better foot pic also

Spurs happen in many piggies irrespective of breed; they are harmless skin growths under the front feet. About a quarter of piggies will have them. They should only be dealt with if they grow out sideways in a way they can catch and rip into live skin. As cutting too close to live skin can badly cripple piggies, we recommend to not do this yourself.

If you have concerns, please have your piggy vet checked. An x-ray should bring clarity re. any osteodystrophy and swollen feet.