New Born Pup
Hi everybody,
I'm new here, and I've been having some concerns with my boy, Teddy. I got him on 7/5/2022, and noticed that he was much smaller than all the other guinea pigs in his enclosure. I watched them all for about two hours, and saw that when he made any attempt to move towards the side of the enclosure that contained the food bowls, the others head-butted him and pushed him back to the other side. Both of his ears were completely bald behind them, and his left ear was very red. I spoke with one of the employees about it, and was advised that it was likely caused by him scratching due to stress, especially since the others seemed to gang up on him.
He had been home for about two weeks, when I noticed that his ear was getting white on the edge, peeling, and developing sores at the base. I also found that his left elbow had an open wound. I cleaned both areas with saline solution and applied antibiotic ointment to each. I called my usual vet the very next morning, and was able to book an appointment by the end of the week- although he doesn't typically see small animals. He felt that the wound on his elbow was probably caused by him scraping it on something, and to continue cleaning it the same way, as it looked to be healing up. He trimmed Teddy's back toenails, and also advised that I apply some coconut oil to the tops of his ears to clear up the dry skin. I had asked him a few other questions regarding bedding / diet allergy concerns, and the doctor said he wasn't sure, and suggested I google it.
We're now on week 4 of Teddy being home, and he is still scratching at his ear. I'm also seeing him scratch the sides of his face here and there, and areas on his back. For the last couple of days, I've started seeing small white specks in his hair - which could be dandruff or possibly dust from his bedding. I've been using Kaytee Clean and Cozy white paper bedding and he seems to like it, and I don't really notice a lot of dust from it. I'm also worried that this could be guinea pig lice or mites. He has become more sensitive to any kind of touch, and today I found another bald/scabby spot on the edge of his knee / the inside of his right thigh area, and I'm worried he is biting himself. He is still completely bald behind both ears, but the sores on his ears have decreased with since the nail trim. However, the top of the ear is still kind of crusty looking and the inside is now peeling as well.
Teddy has gotten very comfortable with me, and is very sweet and social. I spot clean his habitat twice a day, and change out his bedding and wipe everything down once a week. He's grown quite a bit, and has quite the appetite when it comes to veggies and treats. I try to limit the amount of fruit and sugary treats he gets, and he eats plenty of hay and pellets. Since he's by himself, I make sure to visit with him for about 20 minutes every morning before I leave for work, for about an hour or so when I first get home, and later I let him get some "out of the cage" time so he can play and snuggle for at least an hour. He's loves kisses and snuggles, but today he did not want to be touched. I was able to coax him out to get a look at the spot on his leg, and he bit the fire out of me. He's never bit me before (granted, I've only had him for a month), other than nibbling during treat time, but this drew blood! As I mentioned above, I've noticed him getting more sensitive to touch. I know he probably didn't want to hurt me, he just didn't want to be messed with.
I previously had two female guinea pigs, and never had any types of issues with either of them. I've booked an appointment with a vet that specializes in exotics and small animals, but they can't get me in until next week. I'm hoping to get some kind of idea as to what going on with him, or what I can do to help alleviate the itchiness or pain he's in.
I know that was a SUPER long read, and thank you to anyone who can help !
I'm new here, and I've been having some concerns with my boy, Teddy. I got him on 7/5/2022, and noticed that he was much smaller than all the other guinea pigs in his enclosure. I watched them all for about two hours, and saw that when he made any attempt to move towards the side of the enclosure that contained the food bowls, the others head-butted him and pushed him back to the other side. Both of his ears were completely bald behind them, and his left ear was very red. I spoke with one of the employees about it, and was advised that it was likely caused by him scratching due to stress, especially since the others seemed to gang up on him.
He had been home for about two weeks, when I noticed that his ear was getting white on the edge, peeling, and developing sores at the base. I also found that his left elbow had an open wound. I cleaned both areas with saline solution and applied antibiotic ointment to each. I called my usual vet the very next morning, and was able to book an appointment by the end of the week- although he doesn't typically see small animals. He felt that the wound on his elbow was probably caused by him scraping it on something, and to continue cleaning it the same way, as it looked to be healing up. He trimmed Teddy's back toenails, and also advised that I apply some coconut oil to the tops of his ears to clear up the dry skin. I had asked him a few other questions regarding bedding / diet allergy concerns, and the doctor said he wasn't sure, and suggested I google it.
We're now on week 4 of Teddy being home, and he is still scratching at his ear. I'm also seeing him scratch the sides of his face here and there, and areas on his back. For the last couple of days, I've started seeing small white specks in his hair - which could be dandruff or possibly dust from his bedding. I've been using Kaytee Clean and Cozy white paper bedding and he seems to like it, and I don't really notice a lot of dust from it. I'm also worried that this could be guinea pig lice or mites. He has become more sensitive to any kind of touch, and today I found another bald/scabby spot on the edge of his knee / the inside of his right thigh area, and I'm worried he is biting himself. He is still completely bald behind both ears, but the sores on his ears have decreased with since the nail trim. However, the top of the ear is still kind of crusty looking and the inside is now peeling as well.
Teddy has gotten very comfortable with me, and is very sweet and social. I spot clean his habitat twice a day, and change out his bedding and wipe everything down once a week. He's grown quite a bit, and has quite the appetite when it comes to veggies and treats. I try to limit the amount of fruit and sugary treats he gets, and he eats plenty of hay and pellets. Since he's by himself, I make sure to visit with him for about 20 minutes every morning before I leave for work, for about an hour or so when I first get home, and later I let him get some "out of the cage" time so he can play and snuggle for at least an hour. He's loves kisses and snuggles, but today he did not want to be touched. I was able to coax him out to get a look at the spot on his leg, and he bit the fire out of me. He's never bit me before (granted, I've only had him for a month), other than nibbling during treat time, but this drew blood! As I mentioned above, I've noticed him getting more sensitive to touch. I know he probably didn't want to hurt me, he just didn't want to be messed with.
I previously had two female guinea pigs, and never had any types of issues with either of them. I've booked an appointment with a vet that specializes in exotics and small animals, but they can't get me in until next week. I'm hoping to get some kind of idea as to what going on with him, or what I can do to help alleviate the itchiness or pain he's in.
I know that was a SUPER long read, and thank you to anyone who can help !