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New Born Pup
Sep 7, 2017
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Hi, I'm new to this site so apologies if there is already an existing topic on this.

I own two sows who are three years old. Yesterday I was giving them cucumber when I noticed one of my guinea pigs, who is the bigger of the two, had a slightly swollen stomach. At first I thought she may have gained a bit of weight, but after some research became worried she may be bloated. I took away the cucumber slices, and have since stopped feeding them veg, just giving them their hay.

Since getting home from work this evening, I've been checking up on her frequently and have not yet seen her pass any pellets, but she is eating hay as usual. I have additionally given her 0.5ml of Infacol and attempted to massage her stomach.

Is there any way of confirming bloat? I've tried lightly tapping her side to see if it sounded hollow, but there was no noise! I have previously owned two boars growing up and never experienced this... Am I just being paranoid?

Many thanks in advance :)
If you are concerned about a swollen stomach then you need to go to a vet. It could be bloat (I have no experience of bloat) but it could also be any number of problems so a diagnosis is needed. It could also of course just be a greedy piggy who has gained a bit of weight but as you are worried I would go for a check up to be sure
Please get her checked out. Bloat will present often with tiny poo then lack of poo compeltely and a pig that won't eat... If you not feeding veg will reduce poo output too though, are you still feeding pellets? I would advise a vet visit as Kelly has above

You have good vet in Birmingham on manor road I believe as well as several in west mids. We have vet locator here Guinea Pig Vet Locator
Hi Lady Kelly, thank you for your reply!

I'm not in work tomorrow so I'm going to keep an eye on her throughout the day and have already checked that the vets is definitely open on the weekend.

I've actually just checked on her now - she was drinking and came up to greet me being nosey as usual! Not sure if I'm being a complete hypochondriac!
Hi Lady Kelly, thank you for your reply!

I'm not in work tomorrow so I'm going to keep an eye on her throughout the day and have already checked that the vets is definitely open on the weekend.

I've actually just checked on her now - she was drinking and came up to greet me being nosey as usual! Not sure if I'm being a complete hypochondriac!
That doesn't sound like bloat, she sounds active and bright, we have had bloat in two pigs and they didn't eat or move... However if you are concerned don't leave it. I nearly lost treacle to bloat twice
Any gurgling noises in tummy?
Hi sport_billy, I've just listened to her stomach and I can hear slight gurgling noises!

I'm hoping either she's eaten a bit too much or the Infacol has helped with a little gas haha.

I will keep an eye on her, and will take her to the vets if I'm still a bit worried by the morning.

Thank you!