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New Born Pup
Mar 15, 2022
Reaction score
United States
I recently got Guinea pigs about 2 weeks ago. One seems perfectly healthy and the other seemed healthy for the most part when we first got her. We noticed one of her ears had no fur but her other ear did. Her ear was super red but it’s calmed down a lot since we’ve had her (one of her ears still has no fur) which could just be normal? She’s seemed pretty happy and healthy up until last night. I noticed fur loss around just one of her eyes.. and this morning her eye was slightly swollen. It still is. I’m concerned and not sure what exactly to do? Should I give it a day or two and see if it goes away? They’re fed veggies every night, have plenty of hay, clean water, their cage gets spot cleaned every night, and they currently have 10 sq of space to run around. Their Kavee cage is supposed to come tomorrow (way more space for their zoomies!) I mentioning all this because I wanna make sure there’s nothing I’m doing wrong that could be causing health issues.
Hello I would take her to a small animal specialist vet. It could be all sorts of things and only a vet could diagnose.
Leaving her a few days could be very serious. Our piggies are hardy little things but can rapidly become seriously ill.
Best to get specialist advice - good luck and let us know
Hello I would take her to a small animal specialist vet. It could be all sorts of things and only a vet could diagnose.
Leaving her a few days could be very serious. Our piggies are hardy little things but can rapidly become seriously ill.
Best to get specialist advice - good luck and let us know

I’ll start looking into vets around me. I’m hoping it’s nothing too serious ): thanks!
I recently got Guinea pigs about 2 weeks ago. One seems perfectly healthy and the other seemed healthy for the most part when we first got her. We noticed one of her ears had no fur but her other ear did. Her ear was super red but it’s calmed down a lot since we’ve had her (one of her ears still has no fur) which could just be normal? She’s seemed pretty happy and healthy up until last night. I noticed fur loss around just one of her eyes.. and this morning her eye was slightly swollen. It still is. I’m concerned and not sure what exactly to do? Should I give it a day or two and see if it goes away? They’re fed veggies every night, have plenty of hay, clean water, their cage gets spot cleaned every night, and they currently have 10 sq of space to run around. Their Kavee cage is supposed to come tomorrow (way more space for their zoomies!) I mentioning all this because I wanna make sure there’s nothing I’m doing wrong that could be causing health issues.


Please see a vet for either ringworm or an infection as the swelling and redness is somewhat untypical for a fungal skin infection and it could be something in ear/eye/nose/throat tract, which is all connected.

Since your guinea pig has come with the problem, you are well within your customer rights for having basically been sold damaged ware to reclaim any vet cost. Please do not home treat spec because you can do more harm than good when treating wrongly. We cannot diagnose sight unseen nor are we qualified to replace a necessary vet visit.

Please take the time to read this link carefully for more details and practical advice: New Guinea Pig Problems: Sexing & Pregnancy; URI, Ringworm & Parasites; Vet Checks & Customer Rights

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